Torture is Unpatriotic

Torture is Unpatriotic

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This July 4th, a diverse coalition of groups including the Center for Constitutional Rights, Code Pink, The Culture Project, Not In Our Name, United For Peace and Justice, and WEDO (Women’s Environment & Development Organization) are asking people across the United States to join the call to shut down the Guantánamo prison camp and demand an immediate independent investigation into the widespread allegations of abuse taking place there. Click here to check out CCR’s Guantánamo Action Center, where you can sign petitions, contact your elected reps, download fliers and stickers and find other ways to get involved in the growing campaign to shut down Gitmo.


Sandra Day O’Connor’s resignation has launched an epic struggle over the direction of the Supreme Court. Potentially at stake are the future of legal abortions, affirmative action for minority groups, government aid to religious schools and other issues that have long divided US society. Justice O’Connor was often the crucial swing vote on a court where many of the biggest rulings have come on 5-4 decisions, as public interest groups from both left and right have been busy pointing out.

The Alliance for Justice and the People for the American Way are both working overtime to rally opposition to what is widely expected to be a divisive, far-right appointment by the President. Click here to find out what you can do to help.

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