This weekend the hashtag #RepublicanSongs was trending on Twitter. (For those of you unfamiliar with Twitter trending, it means that someone tweeted an idea—in this case the retitling of a popular song to reflect right-wing thinking, tagged with the hash tag #RepublicanSongs. So many people contributed their own ideas that the hashtag dominated Twitter for a day). Here are ten of the countless Republican Songs I spent my weekend—I mean, took a few minutes here and there out of my busy social calendar—coming up with. As I consider myself not only a Twitter artist but a Twitter curator, below my own titles I present a sampler of great Republican Songs tweeted by the greater Twitter community.
#RepublicanSongs from me:
My Country ’Tis of Me (My Country ’Tis of Thee)
The Times Should Not B-Changin’ (The Times They Are A-Changin’)
Fetus, I Need Your Lovin’ (Baby, I Need Your Lovin’ )
99 Red Buffoons (99 Red Balloons)
We Will, We Will Frack You (We Will, We Will Rock You)
Take My Vote Away (Take My Breath Away)
I Feel So Close to You Right Now, I’m in Your Uterus (I Feel So Close to You Right Now, It’s Like a Force Field)
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You Really Got a Probe in Me ( You Really Got a Hold on Me )
Yes I Really Want to Hurt You (Do You Really Want to Hurt Me)
Sweet Child Laborer of Mine (by Newt Gingrich) (Sweet Child Laborer of Mine)
#RepublicanSongs from other tweeps:
@TheNewDeal: Love in an Car Elevator (Love in an Elevator)
@GOPUnplugged: Single Ladies (Put a Probe in It) (Single Ladies (Put a RIng on It))
@TCBGP: Singing in the Bain (Singing in the Rain)
@LLLGeorge: She’s Having My Baby (Even If She Doesn’t Want to…) (Having My Baby)
@comeonnoles If Hating U Is Wrong I Don’t Wanna Be Right (If Loving You is Wrong I Don’t Wanna be Right)
@DarwinSelection Rove Will Keep Us Together (Love Will Keep Us Together)
@JacksonRage Simple Twist of Facts (SImple Twist of Fate)
@PatrickECoole Give War a Chance (Give Peace a Chance)
@RHalper (OK, I admit it! He’s my uncle! But there was no nepotism involved here. We’re just genetically prone to pun.) Whiter Shade of Shale (Whiter Shade of Pale)
Plus this BONUS! @LesHugTX retweeted @RafalcaRomney: Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up (feat. Eminem) (the Real Slim Shady) and the great video I posted above!