(Sung by Dan Bartlett and Tony Snow, "The Blues Brothers of the Right")
They leaked that NIE that said Iraq’s Producing terrorists and such in stacks, So even winning sort of means to lose. We got those wall-to-wall 24/7 damage-control blues.
Then Woodward writes that Bush is bubble boy– As clueless as those dudes defending Troy– And Rumsfeld is a Queeg with shortened fuse. We got those wall-to-wall 24/7 damage-control blues.
Then Foley’s creepy messages appear, And Dennis Hastert’s known for a year, So can’t claim he and Boehner had no clues. Iraq each day brings worse, more violent news. George Allen’s zayde and his wife were Jews, But, still, the n-word George was prone to use Was hardly "nebbish," and so folks accuse Poor George of having harbored racist views. If we can’t find some gays to bash, we’ll lose. This stuff could drive the boss man back to booze. We got those wall-to-wall 24/7 damage-control blues.
Calvin TrillinCalvin Trillin is The Nation’s “deadline poet.”