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This Week at

Our new video program. Plus: What progressives can learn from Arkansas, and a first-person perspective on the flotilla raid. 

Katrina vanden Heuvel

June 13, 2010

We’re excited to announce that starting Monday, The Nation will be collaborating with GRIT TV with Laura Flanders on the Monday editions of the daily news/talk program. GRIT TV is a half-hour program that airs on Free Speech TV and a range of satellite, cable and public television stations. Laura is a long-time contributor to The Nation and the former host of RadioNation with Laura Flanders. The Nation on GRIT TV will be, essentially, the broadcast edition of The Nation: Interviews with writers and contributors; commentaries from editors and columnists; field reports related to Nation investigations and interviews with activists and organizers featured in our pages.

The way you’ll experience the program at is in segments: every Monday by 6 we’ll post a news roundup, The Week Ahead, that gives a quick-hit overview of the big stories in news and politics. Then throughout the week we’ll post the other segments here at and on our Youtube channel. If you want to watch the program in full, we’ll link to it on GRIT TV’s site each Tuesday. If you want to watch the program on television, you can find your local station and air-times here. And in a nice bit of serendipity, most of the radio stations around the country that used to air RadioNation with Laura Flanders now air an hour-long GRIT Radio, featuring highlights from the television program each week.

Coming up Monday: I’ll be on with Melissa Harris-Lacewell discussing the 2010 elections. Can this really be "the year of the woman" if the women running are anti-choice and anti-health care? Also: Laura will talk to Jeremy Scahill about Bagram, which could be emerging as President Obama’s Gitmo, and Dave Zirin gives his perspective on the World Cup.

Also this week at

The Breakdown with Chris Hayes …

Will Congress ever limit carbon emissions? With Republican Lindsey Graham abandoning his own climate change bill, Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski gaining some Democratic support in her crusade against the Environmental Protection Agency, global temperatures still rising and thousands of gallons of oil still gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, is it still possible for this Congress to pass some kind of cap and trade bill limiting carbon emissions? Kate Sheppard, a reporter on environmental issues for Mother Jones magazine, joins our DC Editor Chris Hayes to answer this question on this week’s edition of The Breakdown. Listen here.

What Progressives Can Learn From Arkansas …

On Thursday I was on MSNBC’s The Ed Show, pushing back against the notion that Blanche Lincoln’s loss was an outright loss for progressives. Here’s my segment from Thursday.

An Eye-Witness to the Flotilla Raid …

Long-time anti-war activist and retired Army Colonel Ann Wright was on the flotilla bound for Gaza when Israeli soldiers boarded the ship. Last week she came in to The Nation’s New York office to share her account of what happened on board. Here is our exclusive podcast of our conversation with Col. Wright.

Finally, congratulations again to reporter A.C. Thompson, who received the Investigative Reporters and Editor’s Magazine Prize on Friday for his investigation for The Nation, "Katrina’s Hidden Race War." A.C. was the first to report on the suspicious death of Henry Glover, an African-American resident of New Orleans who beld to death while in policy custody in the days after Hurricane Katrina struck.  On Friday, three New Orleans police officers and two former officers were indicted in the Glover’s death.  A.C. also was named the winner of The Molly Awards, named in honor of Molly Ivins. He is continuing to report on unsolved homicides in New Orleans for Pro Publica, and is following the progress of the two grand juries that are considering indictments based on his reporting. Congratulations to A.C., to The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute and to all of our partners on the investigation. As A.C. receives his award,

As always thank you for reading. Comments are welcome below, and you can follow me on Twitter – @KatrinaNation.

Katrina vanden HeuvelTwitterKatrina vanden Heuvel is editorial director and publisher of The Nation, America’s leading source of progressive politics and culture. She served as editor of the magazine from 1995 to 2019.

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