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On What Became of Mathew Brady’s Battle Photographs

Sunlight and plant light glass and stain the campaign the conflict the dead frozen in air the sun and the sweat the swell of fetid flesh

Peter Gizzi

January 4, 2007

Sunlight and plant light glass and stain the campaign the conflict the dead frozen in air the sun and the sweat the swell of fetid flesh the tears the ache the empty gut the ache the heat of loss the nerves burn and the shock of never returning burns in the belly and the brain alike these images lifting off into air, dissolving into heat and light defy gravity lifting off they are going now Mother, they are gone

Peter GizziPeter Gizzi grew up in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. His poetry collections include The Outernationale (2007), Some Values of Landscape and Weather (2003), and a reprint of his first book, Periplum and Other Poems: 1987-1992 (2004). His honors include the Lavan Younger Poets Award from the Academy of American Poets in 2004 and a fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation in 2005. He is also the editor of The House That Jack Built: The Collected Lectures of Jack Spicer (1998).

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