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The Wreck of the Primary Campaign

(A Republican Sea Chantey)

Calvin Trillin

July 8, 1999

(A Republican Sea Chantey)

They boned up on the issues, like Abortion and the flag. Republicans were running hard, Then they began to sag. For Bush had gathered campaign funds In staggering amounts. Yes, Bush has got the money, lads, And money’s all that counts.

Yes, Bush has got the money, lads. The others are in tatters. The Shrub has got the do-re-mi, And money’s all that matters.

The lobbyists gave right away, As business this was sound. They think they see a winner, and The floor they want is ground. That’s why the race is all but done. That’s why no tension mounts. ‘Cause Bush has got the money, lads, And money’s all that counts.

Calvin TrillinCalvin Trillin is The Nation’s “deadline poet.”

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