A supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders at a rally in Reading, Pennsylvania, April 21, 2016. (Reuters / Lucas Jackson)
Dear Readers,
While Bernie Sanders won’t arrive in Philadelphia with enough delegates to secure the nomination, he made an unprecedented insurgent bid, revealing to progressives their own strength—a strength also reflected in victories in the Fight for $15; against fracking and the Keystone XL pipeline; and in the rise of new social-justice movements. Looking ahead at the next year, how can progressives best continue to build a political revolution? What are the key battles to take on, issues to drive, or strategies to invest in?
We’re soliciting short answers (think 250 words or less) to this question from progressive activists and leaders—and from you, our readers. We’ll publish a collection of responses in our mid-July issue and online before the Democratic National Convention.
Tell us what you think!
—The Editors
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The Editors