Please get that I am the trying
breeze going through the really
great great great world yes yes.
Please get that I am the drowning
helpful freedom of the storm yes
yes. Please get that I am the very
hot great great great sun yes yes.
Please get that I am the great
great great great ice that gives
you the freeze that you need
to get to melt into nothing yes
yes yes yes. Please get that I
am the sky great great great blue
nothing yes yes. Please get that
I am the grownd great great great
place helping you helping you
stand in grateful helpful helpful
helpful kissing her her her her
yes. Please get that you and I
greet the great great life from this
place of great great kissing life
life life life yes yes yes. Please
get that you are great form great
formless helping kissing kissing
great knowing the great great
great helpful kissing the trying
yes yes. Please get that helpful
loving thinking you help just help
kissing helpful loving great great
great world turn upside down yes
yes. Please get that you help me
by helping me turn upside down
too yes yes yes. Please get that
great great helpful kissing people
need to get that great helpful kissing
is turning kissing upside down yes
yes. Please get that helpful kissing
just needs to be gathered into this
helpful kissing trying hell of this life
to go forward to help me Hannah
Hannah Hannah yes yes. Please
get that you need loving kissing
to make you like me yes yes.
Please get that the kissing must
be great knotting of you me great
us together in this hell yes yes yes.
Please get that you kiss me helping
me kiss you yes yes.