
USS Ronald Reagan

Want to Stop Climate Change? Start With the US Military Want to Stop Climate Change? Start With the US Military

Our endless wars are taking countless innocent lives and destroying the planet itself.

Dec 4, 2019 / William Astore

Dooming the Paris Climate Accord

Dooming the Paris Climate Accord Dooming the Paris Climate Accord

Trump takes out the USA and the world.

Nov 29, 2019 / OppArt / Randall Enos

WTO Protest Turtles

The Seattle Protests Showed Another World Is Possible The Seattle Protests Showed Another World Is Possible

Twenty years ago, demonstrations against the World Trade Organization opened the space for today’s critics of neoliberal capitalism.

Nov 29, 2019 / Mark Engler

WTO Seattle Protest

20 Years After Seattle, the Clash of Globalizations Rages On 20 Years After Seattle, the Clash of Globalizations Rages On

Alter-globalization is back— but this time, it’s coming from both the left and the right.

Nov 29, 2019 / Quinn Slobodian

FDR Got Everything that Trump Does Not About Thanksgiving

FDR Got Everything that Trump Does Not About Thanksgiving FDR Got Everything that Trump Does Not About Thanksgiving

Roosevelt used the holiday to preach about sacrifice and solidarity. Trump thanks himself.

Nov 28, 2019 / John Nichols

Climate Criminals

Meet the Men Fueling the Climate Crisis Meet the Men Fueling the Climate Crisis

Until there are courts willing to hold the titans of the climate crisis accountable, it’s up to people to begin calling them out by name.

Nov 27, 2019 / Ben Ehrenreich

Harvard Yale Game

Harvard and Yale Students Storm the Field for Fossil Fuel Divestment Harvard and Yale Students Storm the Field for Fossil Fuel Divestment

This won’t be the last of these disruptive protests against “business as usual” on both campuses.

Nov 25, 2019 / Dave Zirin

Bolivia protester 2019

Welcome to the Global Rebellion Against Neoliberalism Welcome to the Global Rebellion Against Neoliberalism

As distinct as the protests seem, the uprisings rocking Bolivia, Lebanon, and scores of other countries all have a common theme.

Nov 25, 2019 / Ben Ehrenreich

Trump’s EPA Is Promoting a Conspiracy Theory Created by Big Tobacco

Trump’s EPA Is Promoting a Conspiracy Theory Created by Big Tobacco Trump’s EPA Is Promoting a Conspiracy Theory Created by Big Tobacco

The agency’s plan to limit the scientific research it can use in creating regulations could gut public health protections. That’s exactly what the tobacco industry intended.

Nov 22, 2019 / Zoë Carpenter

Climate Finally Climbed Onto the Debate Stage. But It’s Still Not Taken Seriously Enough.

Climate Finally Climbed Onto the Debate Stage. But It’s Still Not Taken Seriously Enough. Climate Finally Climbed Onto the Debate Stage. But It’s Still Not Taken Seriously Enough.

Democratic presidential candidates were given the chance to talk about the most pressing environmental issue—but only briefly and inadequately.

Nov 21, 2019 / Jeet Heer
