
Even Hillary Clinton Thinks It’s Time to Investigate Exxon

Even Hillary Clinton Thinks It’s Time to Investigate Exxon Even Hillary Clinton Thinks It’s Time to Investigate Exxon

Lawmakers, candidates, and environmental groups are pressing the Department of Justice to probe the oil company’s role in sowing doubt about climate science.

Oct 30, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

Testing water in West Virginia.

What If Your Tap Water Was Too Polluted to Drink? What If Your Tap Water Was Too Polluted to Drink?

This sorry state of affairs is the daily reality for too many Americans.

Oct 30, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Syria May Be the First Climate-Change Conflict, but It Won’t Be the Last

Syria May Be the First Climate-Change Conflict, but It Won’t Be the Last Syria May Be the First Climate-Change Conflict, but It Won’t Be the Last

While our political establishment dithers, the Pentagon recognizes that climate change is an immediate threat to national security.

Oct 27, 2015 / Joshua Holland

Mountaintop removal

Big Coal Makes Its Move Against the EPA’s Power Plant Rule Big Coal Makes Its Move Against the EPA’s Power Plant Rule

The coal industry and its allies wasted no time initiating legal challenges against the regulations, which were published last week.

Oct 27, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

How Climate Change Is Threatening Iraq’s Fragile Security

How Climate Change Is Threatening Iraq’s Fragile Security How Climate Change Is Threatening Iraq’s Fragile Security

A major drought in Syria helped lead to the revolution and Assad’s crackdown. Harsh weather in Iraq could prove just as destabilizing.

Oct 27, 2015 / John Knefel

William LeBeau, 86, right, sits in his golf cart in The Villages.

What’s It Like Growing Old in the New Economy? What’s It Like Growing Old in the New Economy?

Danish architect Deane Simpson explores this vexing question in his book Young-Old: Urban Utopias of an Aging Society.

Oct 27, 2015 / Matthew Shen Goodman

Think We Can’t Stabilize the Climate While Fostering Growth? Think Again.

Think We Can’t Stabilize the Climate While Fostering Growth? Think Again. Think We Can’t Stabilize the Climate While Fostering Growth? Think Again.

Long-term investments in clean energy would curb emissions and create millions of jobs around the globe.

Oct 27, 2015 / Feature / Robert Pollin

Demand a Federal Investigation of Exxon’s Climate-Change Deception

Demand a Federal Investigation of Exxon’s Climate-Change Deception Demand a Federal Investigation of Exxon’s Climate-Change Deception

Exxon-Mobil has spent years promoting skepticism of climate change—a position that runs contrary to the company's own research.

Oct 26, 2015 / NationAction

What Will It Take To Force a Real Conversation About Climate Change?

What Will It Take To Force a Real Conversation About Climate Change? What Will It Take To Force a Real Conversation About Climate Change?

Naomi Klein, Avi Lewis, and Wen Stephenson discuss the truly transformative change that our climate crisis requires.

Oct 26, 2015 / Wen Stephenson, Naomi Klein, and Avi Lewis

What I Learned on a Luxury Cruise Through the Global-Warming Apocalypse

What I Learned on a Luxury Cruise Through the Global-Warming Apocalypse What I Learned on a Luxury Cruise Through the Global-Warming Apocalypse

To see the Arctic death spiral firsthand, and to see the Arctic before it melted, I took a 17-day “adventure cruise” and learned an inconvenient truth: We can’t make it stop.

Oct 21, 2015 / Feature / Roy Scranton
