
Clean Energy Is Booming. Now Here’s the Bad News.

Clean Energy Is Booming. Now Here’s the Bad News. Clean Energy Is Booming. Now Here’s the Bad News.

The transition away from dirty energy is as much a political battle as it is a technological challenge.

Nov 9, 2022 / Mitch Jones

A black-and-white photo with a mushroom-shaped explosion.

How to Survive Our Apocalyptic Future How to Survive Our Apocalyptic Future

This world, however finite with its increasingly overwhelming problems, is still precious to me and worth a good fight. I can’t turn away from tomorrow.

Nov 8, 2022 / Frida Berrigan

In the World’s Obituary, Who Will Have the Last Word?

In the World’s Obituary, Who Will Have the Last Word? In the World’s Obituary, Who Will Have the Last Word?

Give humanity credit. When it comes to our urge to destroy, we seem to see no limits, not even those of our own existence.

Nov 3, 2022 / Tom Engelhardt

Debt and Inequality Will Be Key Issues at the UN’s Next Climate Conference

Debt and Inequality Will Be Key Issues at the UN’s Next Climate Conference Debt and Inequality Will Be Key Issues at the UN’s Next Climate Conference

At COP27, activists will be focused on all the ways developed nations have made it harder for developing nations to survive the climate crisis.

Nov 3, 2022 / Tina Gerhardt

Mike Davis.

¡Compañero Mike Davis, Presente! ¡Compañero Mike Davis, Presente!

A requiem for a friend who embodied the commitment to the marriage of word and deed.

Nov 2, 2022 / Roberto Lovato

In This Time of “Polycrisis,” the Midterms Are More Critical Than Ever

In This Time of “Polycrisis,” the Midterms Are More Critical Than Ever In This Time of “Polycrisis,” the Midterms Are More Critical Than Ever

The world’s multiplying crises must be addressed. The question is by whom.

Nov 1, 2022 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Climate Crisis Forest Fire

Can the Midterm Elections Help Solve the Climate Crisis? Can the Midterm Elections Help Solve the Climate Crisis?

Climate organizers across the country are adding voter engagement work into their own advocacy. But electing Democrats is just a first step.

Oct 31, 2022 / StudentNation / Sofia Andrade

Why Does the Democratic Republic of the Congo Keep Arresting Journalists?

Why Does the Democratic Republic of the Congo Keep Arresting Journalists? Why Does the Democratic Republic of the Congo Keep Arresting Journalists?

What happened to Steve Wembi?

Oct 28, 2022 / Nicolas Niarchos

US President Joe Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman walking together during the Jeddah Security and Development Summit (GCC+3) at a hotel in Saudi Arabia's Red Sea coastal city of Jeddah on July 16, 2022.

Biden’s Embarrassing Saudi Failure Biden’s Embarrassing Saudi Failure

The latest diplomatic fiasco underlines America’s continuing vulnerability to interference from oil-rich autocracies.

Oct 28, 2022 / Jeet Heer

10 Years After Sandy, Renters Remain Most Vulnerable to the Impacts of Climate Change

10 Years After Sandy, Renters Remain Most Vulnerable to the Impacts of Climate Change 10 Years After Sandy, Renters Remain Most Vulnerable to the Impacts of Climate Change

Since Hurricane Sandy hit the US in 2012, it has become clear that no one is immune to climate disaster. At this point, it's more a question of who has the means to survive it.

Oct 28, 2022 / Lena P. Afridi
