Campaign Alleges Retaliation Against Strikers in Federal Building Campaign Alleges Retaliation Against Strikers in Federal Building
Good Jobs Nation says that ten strikers from the Ronald Reagan Building food court were initially told they couldn’t come back to work.
May 23, 2013 / Josh Eidelson
Liliana Segura: Memphis Prisoner Wins Freedom After Pleading Guilty to Crime He Didn’t Commit Liliana Segura: Memphis Prisoner Wins Freedom After Pleading Guilty to Crime He Didn’t Commit
After three trials, Memphis prisoner Timothy McKinney won his freedom by pleading guilty to a crime he never did.
May 22, 2013 / Press Room
Obama’s Assault on the Press Obama’s Assault on the Press
Prosecution of whistleblowers, dragnet seizure of phone records, the threatened criminalization of basic news-gathering—it’s dangerous for the media, and dangerous for ...
May 22, 2013 / The Editors
The AP’s Privacy, and Ours The AP’s Privacy, and Ours
The uproar over government searches of media phone records should not obscure the deeper problem—the law’s failure to protect the privacy of all of us in the digital ag...
May 22, 2013 / David Cole
Senate Committee Passes ‘Rank Discrimination’ Immigration Bill Senate Committee Passes ‘Rank Discrimination’ Immigration Bill
The Senate Judiciary Committee moves the immigration bill to full debate—without LGBT inclusion.
May 22, 2013 / Aura Bogado
Fighting Facebook, a Campaign for a People’s Terms of Service Fighting Facebook, a Campaign for a People’s Terms of Service
Social media companies say consumers’ loss of privacy is just the cost of doing business. But what would happen if they actually had to bargain with users on equal footing?
May 22, 2013 / Ari Melber, Woodrow Hartzog, and Evan Selinger
Don’t Tread on Me: Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) Takes On Stop-and-Frisk Don’t Tread on Me: Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) Takes On Stop-and-Frisk
The hip-hop artist tackles the controversial NYPD policy.
May 21, 2013 / Press Room
Why Prosecuting Ariel Castro for Murder Won’t Prevent Violence Against Pregnant Women Why Prosecuting Ariel Castro for Murder Won’t Prevent Violence Against Pregnant Women
Whatever their intent, laws equating pregnancy termination with murder are used against pregnant women, not for them.
May 20, 2013 / Lynn Paltrow
How Long Will Arizona Deny Driver’s Licenses to Immigrant Youth? How Long Will Arizona Deny Driver’s Licenses to Immigrant Youth?
A high court’s preliminary ruling indicates there is not rational basis for Governor Jan Brewer’s attempt to deny driver’s licenses for certain immigrants.
May 17, 2013 / Aura Bogado
Abolition in Maryland Abolition in Maryland
“I killed the thing that almost killed me,” said Kirk Bloodsworth, who faced execution in Maryland, the latest state to outlaw capital punishment.
May 15, 2013 / David A. Love