
Why Are Prisoners Committing Suicide in Pennsylvania?

Why Are Prisoners Committing Suicide in Pennsylvania? Why Are Prisoners Committing Suicide in Pennsylvania?

A DOJ probe into the mental health program at a medium security prison could put solitary confinement on trial.

Apr 18, 2012 / Feature / Matt Stroud

The Real Injustice at the Heart of the Trayvon Martin Case

The Real Injustice at the Heart of the Trayvon Martin Case The Real Injustice at the Heart of the Trayvon Martin Case

What makes this case exceptional is neither race nor the politics of self-defense alone but the total failure to investigate it for so long.

Apr 18, 2012 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Police, Protests and Pepper Spray in California

Police, Protests and Pepper Spray in California Police, Protests and Pepper Spray in California

According to a new report, the pepper spraying of peacefully protesting UC Davis students last year “should and could have been prevented.”

Apr 18, 2012 / Tom Hayden

Why Are Gun Owners So Afraid of Obama? Why Are Gun Owners So Afraid of Obama?

 Should gun owners be feeling threatened by President Obama and critics of “Stand Your Ground” laws?

Apr 16, 2012 / Chris Hayes

Scott Walker Goes All In for NRA/ALEC ‘Shoot First’ Agenda Scott Walker Goes All In for NRA/ALEC ‘Shoot First’ Agenda

Forget Mitt Romney. Wisconsin’s governor gets a hero’s welcome at the NRA convention, with a gun-talk laden speech that claims his critics “want to take me o...

Apr 16, 2012 / John Nichols

What the Laws of War Allow What the Laws of War Allow

Do the WikiLeaks War Logs reveal war crimes? Or do they reveal the poverty of international law?

Apr 16, 2012 / Chase Madar

Occupy and the Right to Protest Occupy and the Right to Protest

Could litigation over the Occupy movement strengthen First Amendment rights for protesters?

Apr 13, 2012 / Laura Bolt

Charges for Trayvon Martin’s Killer Are No Guarantee of Justice

Charges for Trayvon Martin’s Killer Are No Guarantee of Justice Charges for Trayvon Martin’s Killer Are No Guarantee of Justice

Those new to the cause of defending black life will soon have to face the bleak truth black people have lived with for so long: we don’t often win.

Apr 12, 2012 / Mychal Denzel Smith

George Zimmerman’s Trial Could Become Racial Flashpoint

George Zimmerman’s Trial Could Become Racial Flashpoint George Zimmerman’s Trial Could Become Racial Flashpoint

Like trial of OJ Simpson and the Rodney King case, the Zimmerman trial may reveal very different visions of justice.

Apr 12, 2012 / Gary Younge

Reverend Jackson: ‘We Must Not Just Settle for Zimmerman’ (VIDEO) Reverend Jackson: ‘We Must Not Just Settle for Zimmerman’ (VIDEO)

George Zimmerman was behind bars Wednesday, forty-five days after he went free after shooting Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman now faces the possibility of life in prison, but Reverend Je...

Apr 12, 2012 / Laura Flanders
