Latinos Lean Left: Bringing Down the GOP’s Big Tent Latinos Lean Left: Bringing Down the GOP’s Big Tent
Latino voters walked away from the GOP in the midterm elections, a payback for the party's ruthlessly anti-immigrant stance.
Dec 4, 2006 / Feature / Roberto Lovato
An Immodest Proposal An Immodest Proposal
Modesty is a virtue, but rather than telling the courts to practice restraint, the Bush Administration should rein in its own abuses of power.
Nov 22, 2006 / David Cole
Questionable Verdict Questionable Verdict
Even the most naive American voter cannot be expected to see the morally, legally and politically questionable death sentence given to Saddam Hussein a milestone in the Bush Admin...
Nov 6, 2006 / Richard Falk
From Whitewater to Blackwater From Whitewater to Blackwater
Blackwater USA has a new attorney to defend it against a wrongful death lawsuit by families of four contractors killed in Iraq: Kenneth Starr.
Oct 26, 2006 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill and Garrett Ordower
Immigrants Regroup Immigrants Regroup
This year will be remembered both for massive immigrants rights marches and for the Al Qaedization of immigrants.
Oct 26, 2006 / Feature / Roberto Lovato
Enron’s Enablers Enron’s Enablers
Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling would have remained small time crooks were it not for the energy industry deregulation measures they effectively purchased from Bush I and II.
Oct 25, 2006 / Column / Robert Scheer
Playing Politics at School Playing Politics at School
Casting himself as tough on school crime as election day nears, Kentucky Republican Representative Geoff Davis is pushing a measure that puts the constitutional right of students a...
Oct 24, 2006 / Feature / Hasdai Westbrook
Legal Legacy Legal Legacy
Four new books explore the impact of Bush appointees on the newly politicized Supreme Court and the power they wield over our public and private lives.
Oct 12, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Herman Schwartz
Nuremberg: Past, Present and Future Nuremberg: Past, Present and Future
Let us follow the example set by the judges and prosecutors who pursued justice in the Nuremberg Trials to lead America back to a reverence for the rule of law and the common good.
Oct 10, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Sen. Christopher Dodd
No Blank Checks on Torture No Blank Checks on Torture
As the fight against the Administration's policies on torture and the terror detainees shifts to the Supreme Court, there is reason to be confident that the Justices will again rei...
Oct 9, 2006 / Feature / Jonathan Hafetz