
The ‘Kennedy Court’ The ‘Kennedy Court’

By casting the decisive vote in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and other contentious disputes, Justice Anthony Kennedy plays a crucial role in a Supreme Court that may soon veer off in an extr...

Jul 14, 2006 / David Cole

For His Eyes Only: Bush’s Secret Crimes

For His Eyes Only: Bush’s Secret Crimes For His Eyes Only: Bush’s Secret Crimes

By blindly accepting Bush's expansion of state secrets claims, the courts are allowing the executive branch to operate above the law, putting the core principles of our democracy a...

Jul 2, 2006 / Feature / Michael Ratner

A President Rebuked A President Rebuked

The Supreme Court's Hamdan v. Rumsfeld decision is to Bush what the Pentagon Papers were to Nixon: a devastating rebuke of a President who thought he had a blank check and a clear ...

Jun 30, 2006 / Bruce Shapiro

A Killing Machine Turns 30 A Killing Machine Turns 30

This summer marks a grim anniversary of a Supreme Court decision to affirm the death penalty and create a bureaucratic killing machine that puts American justice at odds with the C...

Jun 28, 2006 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro

Generation Lockdown Generation Lockdown

California's juvenile justice system is broken everywhere you look. An ambitious plan for reform could bring much-needed improvements, but does it go far enough?

Jun 25, 2006 / Feature / Mark Sorkin

Drug Busts=Jim Crow Drug Busts=Jim Crow

The drug war is the heir to Jim Crow: a form of widespread, legalized discrimination.

Jun 21, 2006 / Feature / Ira Glasser

‘They Deserve It’ ‘They Deserve It’

Prison rape is not a dirty joke; it's one of the most frequent and widespread human rights abuses in America.

Jun 21, 2006 / Feature / Dan Bell

The Pincer Strategy The Pincer Strategy

Growing concern over Bush's abuses of executive power could be the force that unites Democrats, Republicans and libertarians in a broad, nonpartisan effort to defend the Constituti...

Jun 8, 2006 / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith

What They’re Marching For What They’re Marching For

With or without a comprehensive immigration bill, a working-class immigrant Latino movement is emerging--allied with progressive groups--that could reverse a tide of xenophobia and...

Jun 1, 2006 / Feature / Saurav Sarkar

A Shared Vision A Shared Vision

The vitality of the new Latino-led immigration movement could provide the spark to jolt the civil rights movement out of its complacency and create a shared notion of an imagined f...

Jun 1, 2006 / Feature / Salim Muwakkil
