
Toxic Recycling Toxic Recycling

Recycling electronics using US prison labor is a booming business, with a captive workforce paid pennies per hour for dangerous work that is largely unregulated. The human and en...

Nov 3, 2005 / Feature / Elizabeth Grossman

Serious Questions for Samuel A. Alito Jr. Serious Questions for Samuel A. Alito Jr.

Questions for Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr.: What are the rights of an individual before the law? Are these rights any different from what Alito views as the rights of ...

Nov 1, 2005 / Morton Mintz

Can Dems Say ‘Finito’ to ‘Scalito’? Can Dems Say ‘Finito’ to ‘Scalito’?

If the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court becomes the titanic battle that both sides in the judicial wars have been anticipating for years, Democrats must create a new...

Oct 31, 2005 / David Corn

Lessons From the Miers Debacle Lessons From the Miers Debacle

What have Bush and his allies learned from this sorry epidode? Intellectual substance matters. Executive privilege is not absolute. Roe v. Wade is a bear trap for the GOP.

Oct 28, 2005 / Bruce Shapiro

Gun Industry Buys Bulletproof Political Protection Gun Industry Buys Bulletproof Political Protection

Congress has decided to grant the gun lobby its most fervent and irresponsible wish: blanket immunity from civil lawsuits.

Oct 25, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer

As Brazil Votes to Ban Guns, NRA Joins the Fight As Brazil Votes to Ban Guns, NRA Joins the Fight

As Brazilians vote on a historic measure to ban the sale of guns and ammunition, foes of gun control have received help from a neighbor to the north: the NRA.

Oct 21, 2005 / Feature / Kelly Hearn

One Possible Scenario One Possible Scenario

One twisted tale of how Harriet Miers's confirmation hearings will unfold.

Oct 20, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin

No Privilege for Miers No Privilege for Miers

Harriet Miers's slender public record makes it imperative that her advice the president on personal, executive and constitutional matters be fully disclosed to the Senate Judiciary...

Oct 20, 2005 / Stephen Gillers

If Not Miers, Who? If Not Miers, Who?

Dear Karl Rove: Just in case Harriet Miers doesn't work out, why not nominate me?

Oct 13, 2005 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Reassuring the Right Reassuring the Right

Though her style is not dramatic, Harriet Miers is definitely enough of a fanatic to sit on the Bush Supreme Court.

Oct 13, 2005 / Column / Calvin Trillin
