
Requiem for a Dream Requiem for a Dream

In a cluster of beach bungalows in Ghana in December 2000, my wife and I encountered the Peace Corps dream.

Jul 1, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Matt Steinglass

Incarceration, Inc. Incarceration, Inc.

Private prisons thrive on cheap labor and the hunger of job-starved towns.

Jul 1, 2004 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

A No to Media Monopoly A No to Media Monopoly

Media monopolists were dealt a rare setback when the Philadelphia-based US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit blocked implementation of last year's decision by the Federal Co...

Jul 1, 2004 / John Nichols

No Blank Check No Blank Check

"A state of war is not a blank check for the President." The Bush Administration's claims "would turn our system of checks and balances on its head." "If civil rights are to be c...

Jul 1, 2004 / David Cole

Rehnquist, Cambodia & Abu Ghraib Rehnquist, Cambodia & Abu Ghraib

The Chief Justice wrote a rationale for Nixon's invasion that is being used to justify torture.

Jun 26, 2004 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro

Unnatural Acts Unnatural Acts

By now, it has become something of a media cliché to watch "fringe" protesters jumping up and down from the edges of G-8 conferences held at ever more remote locations.

Jun 24, 2004 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Divining the Court Divining the Court

Our best legal brains are still scratching their heads about the Supreme Court decision in the Pledge of Allegiance case (see Elisabeth Sifton, "

Jun 17, 2004 / The Editors

Torture and Democracy Torture and Democracy

If there was ever any doubt, it is now clear that the torture at Abu Ghraib cannot be dismissed as the actions of a few bad actors.

Jun 17, 2004 / The Editors

Reefer Madness Reefer Madness

If there was anything unusual in Judge Douglas Ginsburg's rapid descent, it was probably the sight of White House conservatives scrambling to create a loophole in the national dr...

Jun 7, 2004 / Abbie Hoffman

Diversity and Its Discontents Diversity and Its Discontents

For most of his half-century-long career, Samuel Huntington, professor of government at Harvard, has made a point of telling the US ruling elite what it has most wanted to hear.

May 27, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Lazare
