
Cheney’s Grimy Trail in Business Cheney’s Grimy Trail in Business

Vice President Dick Cheney has spent most of the past year in hiding, ostensibly from terrorists, but increasingly it seems obvious that it is Congress, the Securities and Exchan...

Jul 17, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer

The Court’s Terrible Two The Court’s Terrible Two

Saving the worst for last, on the final day of the term the Supreme Court issued 5-to-4 rulings on school vouchers and drug testing that blow a huge hole in the wall of church-sta...

Jul 3, 2002 / Herman Schwartz

Rethinking the Death Penalty Rethinking the Death Penalty

Politicians and courts are taking their cues from growing public opposition.

Jul 3, 2002 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro

School’s Out School’s Out

When the New York City Board of Education called on public schools to bring back the Pledge of Allegiance in the wake of 9/11, my daughter, a freshman at Stuyvesant High, thoug...

Jul 3, 2002 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Tinkering With the Death Machine Tinkering With the Death Machine

The essential case for the abolition of capital punishment has long been complete, whether it is argued as an overdue penal reform, as a shield against the arbitrary and the irrepa...

Jul 3, 2002 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

Karl Rove’s Legal Tricks Karl Rove’s Legal Tricks

Packing the judiciary with right-wingers like Priscilla Owen.

Jul 3, 2002 / Feature / John Nichols

God’s Got Nothing to Do With the Pledge of Allegiance Furor God’s Got Nothing to Do With the Pledge of Allegiance Furor

Belief in God is not the issue in the continuing brouhaha over the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance. Rather, it's the government's endorsement of a monotheistic God.

Jul 2, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer

Death, Juries and Scalia Death, Juries and Scalia

Amid all the recent assaults on the Bill of Rights, including the latest trashing in the USA Patriot Act and the denial of habeas corpus to citizens, amid all this, in the span...

Jun 27, 2002 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Corporate Human Rights Corporate Human Rights

With the Bush Administration too often feeling the pain of its corporate sponsors, and with the Enron scandal (so far) producing little political fallout or legislative change on ...

Jun 27, 2002 / David Corn

Justice for Battered Women Justice for Battered Women

Victims of domestic violence defend their right to keep their children.

Jun 27, 2002 / Feature / Chris Lombardi
