Glasser and Freeh Glasser and Freeh
We are, as a nation, about to experience the changing of two guards. First, Ira Glasser, having given a year's notice, is stepping down after nearly a quarter-century as executive...
May 10, 2001 / The Editors
The Stochastic Aptitude Test The Stochastic Aptitude Test
A parody of Gone With the Wind has run into legal trouble: too revealing of the real nature of slavery?
May 3, 2001 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Labor Fights for Immigrants Labor Fights for Immigrants
The stage is set for a showdown over the fate of undocumented workers.
May 3, 2001 / Feature / David Bacon
‘A Fair and Just Amnesty’ ‘A Fair and Just Amnesty’
A grassroots movement for immigrant legalization is gathering strength.
May 3, 2001 / Feature / Julie Quiroz-Martínez
Justice on the Cheap Justice on the Cheap
For many indigent defendants, the right to a lawyer doesn't mean much.
Hate-Crimes Follies Hate-Crimes Follies
Charging people with a "hate crime" when their crime is essentially some type of assault is a troubling trend.
May 3, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Take Back the Courts Take Back the Courts
President Bush's power to appoint judges is one he hardly deserves because of the way he achieved his office.
May 3, 2001 / The Editors
Covenant With Death Covenant With Death
The death penalty needs to be thought through by liberals, and its acceptance or rejection cannot be á la carte.
Apr 26, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
McVeigh’s Last Mile McVeigh’s Last Mile
Attorney General John Ashcroft says he does not want Timothy McVeigh to "inject more poison into our culture"--a striking statement, given the method of McVeigh's execution. Accor...
Apr 19, 2001 / The Editors
The Doctor Killers The Doctor Killers
The arrest in France of James Kopp, the accused assassin of Buffalo obstetrician Barnett Slepian, could not have come at a more awkward time for the Bush Administration. Bush inau...
Apr 5, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro