![The Removal of Lt. Col. Vindman (and His Brother) From the White House Staff](https://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/vindman_impeach_img.jpg)
The Removal of Lt. Col. Vindman (and His Brother) From the White House Staff The Removal of Lt. Col. Vindman (and His Brother) From the White House Staff
To White House employees the message is clear: For someone who wants to protect his career, Acceptance of alternate facts is required. And telling the truth can now get you fired.
Feb 18, 2020 / Column / Calvin Trillin
![Bloomfield High School athletes Terry Miller, second from left, and Andraya Yearwood, far left, compete in the 55-meter dash at the Connecticut girls Class S indoor track meet in New Haven, Connecticut, February 2019.](https://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/trans-highschool-athletes-terry-miller-andraya-yearwood-ap-img.jpg)
In Connecticut, Do Transgender Women Have the Right to Play? In Connecticut, Do Transgender Women Have the Right to Play?
A shadowy, right-wing legal outfit is using sports as a cudgel to smash trans rights.
Feb 18, 2020 / Dave Zirin
![The Nightmare Touches Its Forehead to My Lips](https://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/newPoemLogo_img.jpg)
The Nightmare Touches Its Forehead to My Lips The Nightmare Touches Its Forehead to My Lips
The sky feels like a k-pin doused with some other shit that’ll kill you— infectious harp. :: The space between language— shard of porcelain from the dictator’s hous…
Feb 18, 2020 / Books & the Arts / Andrés Cerpa
![A Smiling Understanding](https://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/newPoemLogo_img.jpg)
A Smiling Understanding A Smiling Understanding
There is an understanding, a smiling understanding, between orchards and orchestras. Jazz and Bach are fertilizers, something extra. Trees are much older than music and poetry, wer…
Feb 18, 2020 / Books & the Arts / Stanley Moss
![Think Exotic Animals Are to Blame for the Coronavirus? Think Again.](https://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/fruit-bat-getty-img.jpg)
Think Exotic Animals Are to Blame for the Coronavirus? Think Again. Think Exotic Animals Are to Blame for the Coronavirus? Think Again.
Scientists have fingered bats and pangolins as potential sources of the virus, but the real blame lies elsewhere—with human assaults on the environment.
Feb 18, 2020 / Column / Sonia Shah
![Members of the activist group Rise And Resist gather in silent protest](https://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Close-the-camps-protest-getty-img.jpg)
Trump Is Unleashing Militarized Goon Squads Against Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities Trump Is Unleashing Militarized Goon Squads Against Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities
First, they came for the immigrants…
Feb 18, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky
![Kendra Horn Is Radical… for Oklahoma](https://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Grant-Horn-ftr_img.jpg)
Kendra Horn Is Radical… for Oklahoma Kendra Horn Is Radical… for Oklahoma
Democratic centrism may not inspire voters nationwide—but in one of the nation’s most conservative states, it can seem downright revolutionary.
Feb 18, 2020 / Feature / Rebecca Grant
![Is This the End of Rojava?](https://www.thenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Kobane-Syria-ap-img.jpg)
Is This the End of Rojava? Is This the End of Rojava?
The Kurdish region of northeast Syria was autonomous for seven years, but had to ask the Syrian government for protection after an invasion by Turkey.
Feb 18, 2020 / Mireille Court and Chris Den Hond