
Shock, Fun, and Feminist Rage

Shock, Fun, and Feminist Rage Shock, Fun, and Feminist Rage

As second wave feminism passes into history and a new wave builds, is the world finally ready for Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen?

Oct 1, 2019 / Alix Kates Shulman

Bolivia’s Remarkable Socialist Success Story

Bolivia’s Remarkable Socialist Success Story Bolivia’s Remarkable Socialist Success Story

President Evo Morales has transformed his country’s economy with an unapologetically left-wing agenda—but can it last?

Oct 1, 2019 / Zeeshan Aleem

Daniel Ellsberg DC Rally

What the Godfather of Modern Whistle-Blowing Can Teach Us Now What the Godfather of Modern Whistle-Blowing Can Teach Us Now

As we face two “existential crises,” Daniel Ellsberg’s archives are finally being opened.

Oct 1, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

House Committee ICE Juarez

The Courts Are Fighting Back Against Trump’s Brutal Immigration Policies The Courts Are Fighting Back Against Trump’s Brutal Immigration Policies

Federal judges just issued rulings protecting immigrant children, slowing fast-track deportations, and restricting ICE detention orders.

Oct 1, 2019 / Sasha Abramsky

Letters Icon

Letters From the October 14, 2019, Issue Letters From the October 14, 2019, Issue

Unrecognized labor… Taking offense… Hope amid troubles…

Oct 1, 2019 / Our Readers

Donald Trump UN General Assembly

Trump Says Ukraine Call Was ‘Perfectly Fine and Routine’ Trump Says Ukraine Call Was ‘Perfectly Fine and Routine’

Yes, of course, I discussed Biden’s son, And, like everything else I have done As I manage this well-oiled machine, It was perfectly fine and routine. Yes, of course, Stormy Daniel…

Oct 1, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin

A Bridge Too Far

A Bridge Too Far A Bridge Too Far

ignore this…

Oct 1, 2019 / Matt Bors

Take Action Now: Strike a Blow Against the NRA

Take Action Now: Strike a Blow Against the NRA Take Action Now: Strike a Blow Against the NRA

Fight for universal background checks, join a gun control group, and push your congressperson on impeachment.

Oct 1, 2019 / NationAction

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Take a Ride on the Trump Spin Cycle Take a Ride on the Trump Spin Cycle

Crime, lie, repeat.

Oct 1, 2019 / Tom Tomorrow

Undocumented Poets and Writers Are Vital to the Struggle for Migrant Justice

Undocumented Poets and Writers Are Vital to the Struggle for Migrant Justice Undocumented Poets and Writers Are Vital to the Struggle for Migrant Justice

Undocumented people are too often silenced—it’s time we listened to their voices.

Oct 1, 2019 / Christopher Soto
