
Photographing the Otherworldly and the Abject

Photographing the Otherworldly and the Abject Photographing the Otherworldly and the Abject

Barbara Ess’s lo-fi photos, which pluck scenes from our culture’s surveillance regime, make the banal seem terrifying and mystical.

Jun 14, 2019 / Barry Schwabsky

Taking to the Streets

Taking to the Streets Taking to the Streets

Stop the Bans rally, May 2019, New York City.

Jun 14, 2019 / OppArt / George de Castro-Day

Refugees fleeing clashes in Iraq

Two Young Iraqi Activists Insist on Peace Two Young Iraqi Activists Insist on Peace

Noof Assi and Zain Mohammed have been organizing gatherings and carnivals even in the face of Trump’s warmongering.

Jun 14, 2019 / Laura Gottesdiener

Why Should I Embrace This Abomination of a Future?

Why Should I Embrace This Abomination of a Future? Why Should I Embrace This Abomination of a Future?

Another reader asks about his “so-called” Christian sister.

Jun 14, 2019 / Liza Featherstone

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

So Long, Sarah Sanders So Long, Sarah Sanders

You can go lie for free, not on the taxpayer’s dime anymore.

Jun 13, 2019 / Joan Walsh

Tiffany Cabán

Tiffany Cabán Wants to Transform What It Means to Be a DA Tiffany Cabán Wants to Transform What It Means to Be a DA

The Queens candidate tells The Nation she would prosecute bad landlords, predatory lenders, and abusive employers—not black and brown communities.

Jun 13, 2019 / Q&A / Isabel Cristo

Central Park Five in 2012

Linda Fairstein Is Still Trying to Take Down the Central Park Five Linda Fairstein Is Still Trying to Take Down the Central Park Five

She’s using the media instead of the legal system, but her tactics are as corrupt as they were in 1989.

Jun 13, 2019 / Elie Mystal

Trump News Conference

The President Just Outlined the Most Damning Article of Impeachment The President Just Outlined the Most Damning Article of Impeachment

When Trump says he would collude with agents of foreign governments to influence US elections, he places himself in conflict with the Constitution.

Jun 13, 2019 / John Nichols

Puzzle No. 3502

Puzzle No. 3502 Puzzle No. 3502

Click HERE to download a printable PDF of this puzzle. ACROSS  1 Jerry and Carol translated Spanish poet (6,5)  7 and 27 Exclude that subatomic particle (6)  9 Split part of simple…

Jun 13, 2019 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto

Guardians of Civilization

Guardians of Civilization Guardians of Civilization

The truth hurts at times.

Jun 13, 2019 / OppArt / Kevin Kallaugher and Ed Hall
