Billie Eilish’s Radically Quiet Pop Billie Eilish’s Radically Quiet Pop
The LA musician is the pop star made for AirPods.
May 3, 2019 / David Hajdu

Black Women Create a Force Field of Support Around Ilhan Omar Black Women Create a Force Field of Support Around Ilhan Omar
From Angela Davis to Ayanna Pressley, Black women leaders rallied in DC in defense of Omar—and called on Democrats to do the same.
May 3, 2019 / Rebecca Pierce

Humane Immigration Policies? Humane Immigration Policies?
The Trump administration escalates the problem for political gain.
May 3, 2019 / OppArt / Randall Enos

Will the Easter Attacks Open New Fault Lines in Sri Lanka? Will the Easter Attacks Open New Fault Lines in Sri Lanka?
In India, Hindu nationalists could use the bombings as an excuse to further divide and oppress.
May 3, 2019 / Barbara Crossette

I Can’t Sleep Through All the Honking, and I’m Beeping Mad I Can’t Sleep Through All the Honking, and I’m Beeping Mad
Another reader asks how to maintain ties of affection amid leftist infighting.
May 3, 2019 / Liza Featherstone

The Trump Era Calls for an ‘American Spring’ The Trump Era Calls for an ‘American Spring’
It’s time that our president—like the autocrats he is propping up across North Africa and the Middle East—finally be held accountable.
May 2, 2019 / Rebecca Gordon

The Caster Semenya Ruling Is Nonsense The Caster Semenya Ruling Is Nonsense
The highest athletics court issued a decision forcing the South African gold medalist to chemically suppress the naturally produced testosterone in her body.
May 2, 2019 / Dave Zirin

Has Donald Trump Committed High Crimes and Misdemeanors? Has Donald Trump Committed High Crimes and Misdemeanors?
Rep. Jamie Raskin, a noted constitutional scholar—and member of the House Judiciary Committee—discusses the question.
May 2, 2019 / John Nichols

Social Media Can’t Replace Social Infrastructure Social Media Can’t Replace Social Infrastructure
The library, not Facebook, is the primary institution promoting literacy and providing Internet access to those who have no other way to get online.
May 2, 2019 / Eric Klinenberg

Once Again, Mainstream Media Get It Wrong on Venezuela Once Again, Mainstream Media Get It Wrong on Venezuela
Foreign outlets, dutifully supporting Trump administration calls for regime change, reported that a widespread uprising was underway, even though Juan Guaidó’s coup attempt had lit...
May 2, 2019 / Michael Fox