At the Frontiers of Surveillance Capitalism At the Frontiers of Surveillance Capitalism
Silicon Valley firms don’t want to simply monitor your behavior; they plan to shape it, too.
Apr 30, 2019 / Books & the Arts / Katie Fitzpatrick

It’s the Company You Keep It’s the Company You Keep
Trump rides the climate-change-denial elephant.
Apr 30, 2019 / OppArt / Ruben Bolling

In a Polarized Spain, Voters Give the Socialists Another Chance In a Polarized Spain, Voters Give the Socialists Another Chance
They could form a government with Podemos—but the emergence of a strong far right has significantly shifted the political debate.
Apr 30, 2019 / Sebastiaan Faber and Bécquer Seguín

The New Face of American War Is a Robot The New Face of American War Is a Robot
Artificial intelligence makes it easier for us to think of war in the abstract—and makes it harder to stop fighting.
Apr 29, 2019 / Allegra Harpootlian and Emily Manna

It’s Time to Develop a Progressive Education Agenda It’s Time to Develop a Progressive Education Agenda
The failures of the education-reform movement have created an opportunity for the left. We need to seize it.
Apr 29, 2019 / Pedro Noguera

The Politics of Impeachment May Be Debatable, but Congress’s Duty Is Clear The Politics of Impeachment May Be Debatable, but Congress’s Duty Is Clear
Impunity always breeds more lawlessness, and there’s plenty of evidence that Trump plans to continue to act without regard for the law.
Apr 29, 2019 / Joshua Holland

Live, April 30: Covering Climate Change in a 1.5-Degree World Live, April 30: Covering Climate Change in a 1.5-Degree World
A town hall, convened by Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation, and co-sponsored by The Guardian and WNYC.
Apr 29, 2019 / The Nation

Claire Denis’s Fleshy Sci-Fi Film ‘High Life’ Is Shocking and Soothing Claire Denis’s Fleshy Sci-Fi Film ‘High Life’ Is Shocking and Soothing
Following a group of death-row inmates in a spaceship prison, the film dares to infuse light where it seems only darkness can prevail.
Apr 29, 2019 / Cassie da Costa

Why Everyone Should Care About Mass E-carceration Why Everyone Should Care About Mass E-carceration
The social costs of constant surveillance are greater than we might think.
Apr 29, 2019 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

The Media Can’t Figure Out How to Cover Elizabeth Warren The Media Can’t Figure Out How to Cover Elizabeth Warren
Unlike every other candidate in the race—or in recent US history—Warren is providing a road map for where she wants to take the country.
Apr 29, 2019 / Column / Eric Alterman