
Donald Trump at a rally in Waukesha, Wis., on August 5, 2022.

Why Is One of Trump’s Fake Electors Still Overseeing Voting in Wisconsin? Why Is One of Trump’s Fake Electors Still Overseeing Voting in Wisconsin?

Ten GOP election deniers have been banned from serving as electors if Trump is on the 2024 ballot. But one of them is still on the statewide election commission.

Dec 8, 2023 / John Nichols


Dec 8, 2023 / Steve Brodner

Kate Cox.

For the First Time in 50 Years, a Judge Has Decided Whether One Woman Could Get an Abortion For the First Time in 50 Years, a Judge Has Decided Whether One Woman Could Get an Abortion

Kate Cox, whose fetus is fatally diseased and threatening her life, had to ask a Texas judge to allow her to terminate her pregnancy. The judge agreed.

Dec 8, 2023 / Mary Tuma

Donald Trump and Nikki Haley, oval office 2018

Nikki Haley’s Fake Moderation Should Fool No One Nikki Haley’s Fake Moderation Should Fool No One

The favorite of plutocrats and the mainstream media is running a deeply deceptive campaign.

Dec 8, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Donald Trump in 2016

The Catastrophe of a Second Trump Presidency The Catastrophe of a Second Trump Presidency

Should he somehow, despite four criminal indictments and multiple trials, return to the White House, we can’t say we weren’t warned.

Dec 8, 2023 / Clarence Lusane

Israeli forces invade Gaza.

Israel Is Losing This War Israel Is Losing This War

Despite the violence it has unleashed on Palestinians, Israel is failing to achieve its political goals.

Dec 8, 2023 / Tony Karon and Daniel Levy


OpenAI OpenAI


Dec 8, 2023 / OppArt / Drew Sheneman

Hotel workers march to demand better wages Wednesday, October 25, 2023, in Los Angeles.

The New Labor Militancy of LA’s Hotel Workers The New Labor Militancy of LA’s Hotel Workers

UNITE HERE Local 11 is staggering its strikes across Los Angeles, targeting one out-of-contract hotel one day and another the next.

Dec 8, 2023 / Column / Sasha Abramsky

mural depicting the Australian activist Julian Assange, by street artist Trisha Palma, in the Scampia neighborhood of Naples.

Biden Is Overseeing the Silent Death of the First Amendment Biden Is Overseeing the Silent Death of the First Amendment

By continuing the persecution of Julian Assange, the US government is signaling how little it cares about press freedom.

Dec 8, 2023 / Yanis Varoufakis, Lina Attalah, and John Kiriakou

Posters of hostages at the entrance to a school in Jerusalem. Pictures of children who have returned from captivity have been removed and those who are still in captivity remain.

No, the Israel/Palestine Conflict Is Not “Simple” No, the Israel/Palestine Conflict Is Not “Simple”

Such a complex situation cannot be boiled down to a battle between the oppressor and the oppressed.

Dec 8, 2023 / Alexis Grenell
