
New Hampshire Feels the Bern

New Hampshire Feels the Bern New Hampshire Feels the Bern

Sanders won in almost every demographic. Voters in Nevada and South Carolina will decide next.

Feb 10, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan


New Hampshire Chooses the Worst Possible Outcome for the GOP New Hampshire Chooses the Worst Possible Outcome for the GOP

All Republican elites wanted from New Hampshire was a clear alternative to Trump and Cruz. They didn’t get it.

Feb 10, 2016 / John Nichols

Ted Cruz Keeps Winning

Ted Cruz Keeps Winning Ted Cruz Keeps Winning

Besides Trump, the Texas senator is the only stable and successful force in the GOP primary.

Feb 10, 2016 / George Zornick

Gloria Steinem

What Gloria Steinem Got—Almost—Right What Gloria Steinem Got—Almost—Right

In real life, our political preferences are shaped by all sorts of social and psychological factors, including our sense of what other people think.

Feb 9, 2016 / Katha Pollitt

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II

The Misdiagnosis of Terrorism The Misdiagnosis of Terrorism

The real violence threatening America is that of our immoral public policy choices, at home and abroad.

Feb 9, 2016 / Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II

A woman points a handgun with a laser sight on a wall display of other guns during the National Rifle Association convention in St. Louis.

Why Haven’t Republicans Talked About Guns in New Hampshire? Why Haven’t Republicans Talked About Guns in New Hampshire?

Ted Cruz is probably winning the gun primary, but it has not been a huge factor.

Feb 9, 2016 / George Zornick

Flint Isn’t the Only Place With Racism in the Water

Flint Isn’t the Only Place With Racism in the Water Flint Isn’t the Only Place With Racism in the Water

Environmental racism is an issue of political power: Polluters and waste sites are placed where politicians expect little or no political backlash.  

Feb 9, 2016 / Tracey Ross and Danyelle Solomon

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Will Bernie Sanders Redistribute Your Wealth? Will Bernie Sanders Redistribute Your Wealth?

And other pressing questions from this primary season.

Feb 9, 2016 / Tom Tomorrow

How Many Flints Are There?

How Many Flints Are There? How Many Flints Are There?

In a country where 500,000 children have substantial amounts of lead in their bodies, Flint is no anomaly.

Feb 9, 2016 / David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz

New Hampshire primary

5 Things to Watch for in Today’s New Hampshire Primary 5 Things to Watch for in Today’s New Hampshire Primary

New Hampshire primaries are not always conclusive. But here are tips for assessing them.

Feb 9, 2016 / John Nichols
