Should Chuck Todd Be ‘Disqualified’ for Saying the Midterm Elections Don’t Matter? Should Chuck Todd Be ‘Disqualified’ for Saying the Midterm Elections Don’t Matter?
Should the guy moderating a Senate election debate think that the midterm Senate elections are important?
Oct 21, 2014 / Leslie Savan

‘With This Madness, What Art Could There Be?’ ‘With This Madness, What Art Could There Be?’
An Armenian-American writer asks if the Armenian obsession with genocide recognition is worth its emotional and psychological price.
Oct 21, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Meline Toumani

Pictures of Icarus Pictures of Icarus
With his cutouts, Henri Matisse tried to free himself from gravity.
Oct 21, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

What Are Movies Good For? What Are Movies Good For?
Awakening a sense of wonder and flooding a cinema with crucial realities.
Oct 21, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
The Summer Leaves The Summer Leaves
nothing unscathed. Desires, once tender stalks, grow brittle; the first and clear-eyed dew that clung thereto expires. The summer leaves—the trees’ dense growth—that, dying little by little, turn red, brown, go down and down and these still leaves long winds will shake and put me on my mettle— here, rusted as dead blood, there, bright, my good— both make the most of light. And then, as, torn, the leaves resettle, and the heart, ravaged, grieves, the summer leaves again.
Oct 21, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Catherine Breese Davis
Letters Letters
Enlightenment fanboys… we are funding football… ‘And gladly teche…’
Oct 21, 2014 / Our Readers

The Right-Wing House of Fear The Right-Wing House of Fear
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Oct 21, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow
Puzzle No. 3342 Puzzle No. 3342
And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
Oct 21, 2014 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto

‘If I Were Dictator’: Writers in the ’30s Plot for a Better World ‘If I Were Dictator’: Writers in the ’30s Plot for a Better World
A forerunner of The Guardian’s current series, “King or Queen for a Day.”
Oct 21, 2014 / Back Issues and Richard Kreitner

Here’s Something Your State Can Do to Fight Corporate Money in Politics Here’s Something Your State Can Do to Fight Corporate Money in Politics
Law professor and State Senator Jamie Raskin is planning on introducing a bill that could put a dent in corporations’ ability to influence our elections.
Oct 21, 2014 / NationAction