
It’s Time for Everyone to Come Out of the Debt Closet

It’s Time for Everyone to Come Out of the Debt Closet It’s Time for Everyone to Come Out of the Debt Closet

NYU Queer Union tackles student debt with their second annual “Come Out of the Debt Closet” event.

Oct 15, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Maricopa County's Tent City jail in Phoenix.

What Happens When A City Decides to Offer Addicts Services, Not Prison Sentences? What Happens When A City Decides to Offer Addicts Services, Not Prison Sentences?

Inspired by Seattle, Santa Fe adopts the LEAD program to divert people arrested for drug possession away from the criminal justice system and into treatment.

Oct 15, 2014 / Aaron Miguel Cantú

Are the Beltway Media Helping Mitch McConnell Stay in Power?

Are the Beltway Media Helping Mitch McConnell Stay in Power? Are the Beltway Media Helping Mitch McConnell Stay in Power?

After thirty years in the Senate, Mitch’s loss would make MSM Rolodexes obsolete.

Oct 15, 2014 / Leslie Savan

Cuba’s Sending Doctors to Fight Ebola in West Africa—How Will the US React?

Cuba’s Sending Doctors to Fight Ebola in West Africa—How Will the US React? Cuba’s Sending Doctors to Fight Ebola in West Africa—How Will the US React?

The US has a sorry track record of actively working to dilute the effectiveness of Cuba’s overseas medical assistance.

Oct 15, 2014 / Greg Grandin

The GOP Is Winning the War on Voting

The GOP Is Winning the War on Voting The GOP Is Winning the War on Voting

Voters in fourteen states—many with tight races—will face new restrictions at the polling booth for the first time in November.

Oct 15, 2014 / Ari Berman

Even Red-State Voters Want to Raise the Minimum Wage

Even Red-State Voters Want to Raise the Minimum Wage Even Red-State Voters Want to Raise the Minimum Wage

Eighty percent of Americans want to hike wages, but powerful Republicans keep saying no.

Oct 15, 2014 / John Nichols

A Q&A With Charles Blow on Race, Poverty, Sexual Predators and the CIA

A Q&A With Charles Blow on Race, Poverty, Sexual Predators and the CIA A Q&A With Charles Blow on Race, Poverty, Sexual Predators and the CIA

The New York Times columnist discusses his new book, Fire Shut Up in My Bones.

Oct 15, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener

A New Documentary Profiles Liars for Hire

A New Documentary Profiles Liars for Hire A New Documentary Profiles Liars for Hire

Today’s corporations have taken a page from the tobacco industry, fooling the public and undermining science in order to boost profits, no matter the human cost.

Oct 15, 2014 / Column / Eric Alterman

How Art Can Change Minds

How Art Can Change Minds How Art Can Change Minds

Political cartoons can move only if they surprise.

Oct 15, 2014 / Mr. Fish

If the GOP Wins the Senate, Expect a Total Assault on Reproductive Rights

If the GOP Wins the Senate, Expect a Total Assault on Reproductive Rights If the GOP Wins the Senate, Expect a Total Assault on Reproductive Rights

After November 4, America could follow Texas down a very anti-woman path.

Oct 15, 2014 / Ilyse Hogue
