
How Hard Times Are Healing Bosnia

How Hard Times Are Healing Bosnia How Hard Times Are Healing Bosnia

Amid rising anti-government sentiment and a series of natural disasters, Bosnia-Herzegovina's fractured ethnic communities are drawing strength from an unlikely source: each ot...

Sep 17, 2014 / Peter Lippman and Foreign Policy In Focus

The 2014 NFL: Where Racketeers Condemn Child Abusers

The 2014 NFL: Where Racketeers Condemn Child Abusers The 2014 NFL: Where Racketeers Condemn Child Abusers

This is not a personal conduct policy. It is an amateurish, pandering, and altogether odious exercise in public relations.

Sep 17, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Lessons Never Learned—From Vietnam to Iraq

Lessons Never Learned—From Vietnam to Iraq Lessons Never Learned—From Vietnam to Iraq

Because our leaders didn’t listen, or listened too late, the end came in Vietnam as a total catastrophe. It’s not too late to avoid a repeat in Syria.

Sep 17, 2014 / Tom Hayden

Obama’s Surrender to War

Obama’s Surrender to War Obama’s Surrender to War

The crisis in Iraq and Syria demands a political solution. Here are the key diplomatic steps needed to get there.

Sep 17, 2014 / The Editors

Bloomberg Beyond the Billions

Bloomberg Beyond the Billions Bloomberg Beyond the Billions

Finally, a different picture is emerging of the former New York City mayor.

Sep 17, 2014 / Column / Eric Alterman

The Right to Be Forgotten

The Right to Be Forgotten The Right to Be Forgotten

Imagine a camera aimed at a human face forever.

Sep 17, 2014 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

What Happened to Janay Palmer in the Elevator What Happened to Janay Palmer in the Elevator

Absent video, how could Goodell Be expected for certain to tell? So he figured that, not feeling well From the flu, say, this mademoiselle Might have suffered a brief fainting spell, From which slowly but surely she fell. And then her husband dragged her out of the  elevator, dumped her on the floor, and walked away.

Sep 17, 2014 / Column / Calvin Trillin

While the Fashion World Swoons Over This Season’s Styles, the Workers Making Them Are Fainting on the Job

While the Fashion World Swoons Over This Season’s Styles, the Workers Making Them Are Fainting on the Job While the Fashion World Swoons Over This Season’s Styles, the Workers Making Them Are Fainting on the Job

Cambodia’s garment workers are fighting for something they’ve never had before: a living wage.

Sep 17, 2014 / Michelle Chen

How Art Inspires Change

How Art Inspires Change How Art Inspires Change

The Nation and the Center for Community Change partnered together for an essay contest in which young people were asked to submit a photo they found meaningful and an essay ex...

Sep 17, 2014 / Books & the Arts / StudentNation and Faron Manuel

Scotland’s Referendum on Austerity

Scotland’s Referendum on Austerity Scotland’s Referendum on Austerity

A remarkable democratic debate over independence has forced an admission that austerity is a vital, perhaps definitive, issue.

Sep 17, 2014 / John Nichols
