Why 2014 Is the Year to Demand Medicaid-Funded Abortions Why 2014 Is the Year to Demand Medicaid-Funded Abortions
Advocates behind a national bus tour want to enlist young people in the fight to repeal the Hyde Amendment.
Aug 27, 2014 / Dani McClain

The New Fight for Racial Justice The New Fight for Racial Justice
Read all the pieces in The Nation’s special issue on the new wave of racial justice organizing.
Aug 27, 2014 / The Nation

Is Diplomacy Now Possible in Ukraine? Is Diplomacy Now Possible in Ukraine?
“We are in the classic fog of war,” says Stephen Cohen.
Aug 27, 2014 / The Nation

The Haus of Maus The Haus of Maus
Art Spiegelman’s twitchy irreverence
Aug 27, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Alisa Solomon

Hope Against Hope Hope Against Hope
Jeff Koons and the art of blissful idiocy; Kara Walker’s art of subtlety.
Aug 27, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

Science as Salvation? Science as Salvation?
Marcelo Gleiser wants to heal the rift between humanists and scientists by deflating scientific dreams of establishing final truths.
Aug 27, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Michael Saler

Renewing the Struggle for Racial Justice, Post-Ferguson Renewing the Struggle for Racial Justice, Post-Ferguson
We must face the true causes of the chasm between white and black America.
Aug 27, 2014 / The Editors

Zephyr Teachout for Governor of New York Zephyr Teachout for Governor of New York
A vote for Teachout is a demand for a more progressive, ideas-driven politics.
Aug 27, 2014 / The Editors

A Q&A With Angela Davis on Black Power, Feminism and the Prison-Industrial Complex A Q&A With Angela Davis on Black Power, Feminism and the Prison-Industrial Complex
“Like Nelson Mandela, we must be willing to embrace the long walk toward freedom.”
Aug 27, 2014 / Frank Barat
Letters Letters
Who wants pot to be illegal?… BDS: every little bit helps… on the beach… son of Deadline Poet…
Aug 27, 2014 / Our Readers