
What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 06/27/14?

What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 06/27/14? What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 06/27/14?

This week: Incarceration of Jane Doe, unpacking what we know about Iraq, and is college worth it?

Jun 27, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Moral Mondays Has Managed to Go Beyond the Color Line—but Is That So Unprecedented?

Moral Mondays Has Managed to Go Beyond the Color Line—but Is That So Unprecedented? Moral Mondays Has Managed to Go Beyond the Color Line—but Is That So Unprecedented?

Moral Mondays may seem exceptional, but it is actually part of a long history of interracial political coalitions in the South. 

Jun 27, 2014 / Press Room and Melissa Harris-Perry

RI Workers Won’t Back Down on Living Wage, Despite Democrats’ Betrayal

RI Workers Won’t Back Down on Living Wage, Despite Democrats’ Betrayal RI Workers Won’t Back Down on Living Wage, Despite Democrats’ Betrayal

A minimum-wage pre-emption measure, backed by the hotel industry and signed by Governor Chafee, has been met with hunger strikes, electoral challenges and protests.

Jun 27, 2014 / Sam Adler-Bell

How Did the FBI Miss Over 1 Million Rapes?

How Did the FBI Miss Over 1 Million Rapes? How Did the FBI Miss Over 1 Million Rapes?

Systematic undercounting of sexual assaults in the US disguises a hidden rape crisis.

Jun 27, 2014 / Soraya Chemaly

Why the Mississippi Republican Primary Winner Should Thank Freedom Summer Half a Century Later

Why the Mississippi Republican Primary Winner Should Thank Freedom Summer Half a Century Later Why the Mississippi Republican Primary Winner Should Thank Freedom Summer Half a Century Later

After beating his Tea Party opponent, establishment conservative Thad Cochran should remember how hard African-Americans fought for the right to vote in the state.

Jun 27, 2014 / Steve Cobble

Will the Government Finally Regulate the Most Predatory Industry in America?

Will the Government Finally Regulate the Most Predatory Industry in America? Will the Government Finally Regulate the Most Predatory Industry in America?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is poised to issue regulations for businesses that offer small-dollar, short-term loans. Will they be strong enough?

Jun 27, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Loving Billie Holiday Doesn’t Mean Black Girls Aren’t Suffering

Loving Billie Holiday Doesn’t Mean Black Girls Aren’t Suffering Loving Billie Holiday Doesn’t Mean Black Girls Aren’t Suffering

Joshua DuBois makes an unconvincing argument against the criticism of President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative.

Jun 27, 2014 / Farah Jasmine Griffin

The Ugly Truth About Your Shrimp Cocktail

The Ugly Truth About Your Shrimp Cocktail The Ugly Truth About Your Shrimp Cocktail

Reports of enslavement and forced labor in Thailand’s $7.3 billion fishing-export industry reveal a clear link between illegal fishing, environmental degradation and human ri...

Jun 27, 2014 / Michelle Chen

How the ACA Can Revolutionize Inmate Healthcare

How the ACA Can Revolutionize Inmate Healthcare How the ACA Can Revolutionize Inmate Healthcare

Jails have become the front line for health problems that plague underserved communities in America. The Affordable Care Act provides an opportunity to improve continuity in treatm...

Jun 27, 2014 / Maura Ewing

Supreme Court Says Police Need a Warrant to Search Your Phone

Supreme Court Says Police Need a Warrant to Search Your Phone Supreme Court Says Police Need a Warrant to Search Your Phone

But will they apply the same logic to the NSA’s massive surveillance dragnet?

Jun 26, 2014 / Robert Scheer
