Donald Sterling May Be Going Nuclear Donald Sterling May Be Going Nuclear
LA Clippers deposed owner Donald Sterling will be taking the NBA to court. This could get very interesting.
May 19, 2014 / Dave Zirin

In the Real World, the So-Called ‘Boy Crisis’ Disappears In the Real World, the So-Called ‘Boy Crisis’ Disappears
Girls may outperform boys in school, but the workplace is still stacked against them.
May 19, 2014 / Bryce Covert

How America First Learned About a Young Lawyer Named Gandhi How America First Learned About a Young Lawyer Named Gandhi
His first mention in the US media occurred well before he became a leader of the Indian national movement—in The Nation magazine, in 1897.
May 19, 2014 / Ramachandra Guha

Easy and Instant Voting: A Great Idea Whose Time Has Come, Again Easy and Instant Voting: A Great Idea Whose Time Has Come, Again
Why a forty-year-old plan for universal same-day registration makes more sense now than when reformers promoted it in the 1970s.
May 17, 2014 / John Nichols

What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 5/16/2014? What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading the Week of 5/16/2014?
This week: parasites, pill pushers and public parks.
May 16, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Why You Should Worry About the Election of Narendra Modi in India Why You Should Worry About the Election of Narendra Modi in India
The BJP and its sister group, the paramilitary RSS, could accelerate sectarian divisions and, perhaps, worsen the conflict with Pakistan.
May 16, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

Why This Missouri Death Row Inmate Wants His Execution Videotaped Why This Missouri Death Row Inmate Wants His Execution Videotaped
“If Missouri officials are confident enough to execute Russell Bucklew, they should be confident enough to videotape it.”
May 16, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

Inquiry Into Bridgegate Provides Clues That Christie Knew About the Lane Closures Inquiry Into Bridgegate Provides Clues That Christie Knew About the Lane Closures
Christie’s former top political aide and the governor’s spokesman dispute each other’s recollections.
May 16, 2014 / Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss

We’re Going to Be Talking About Reparations This Year We’re Going to Be Talking About Reparations This Year
The labor of generations of black bodies has created massive amounts of wealth for everyone but the people whose work was exploited. And we’ve continued to suffer the consequ...
May 16, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

The Fast-Food Worker Movement Has Gone Global The Fast-Food Worker Movement Has Gone Global
In a show of international solidarity, scores of fast food workers in about thirty countries walked off the job to push for improved working conditions and higher wages.
May 16, 2014 / Michelle Chen