The Purple Network Opinion Duel: Is Enough Being Done to Halt Climate Change? The Purple Network Opinion Duel: Is Enough Being Done to Halt Climate Change?
The second in a series of debates between The Nation and National Review, moderated by Roll Call.
May 14, 2014 / The Nation

This Modern World This Modern World
May 13, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow

Snapshot: Scorched Earth Policy Snapshot: Scorched Earth Policy
A lone tree standing in what used to be a rainforest in Mato Grosso, Brazil. The country’s preparations for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics have furthered environmental damage, as Dave Zirin has reported in these pages. In a move that has outraged the citizenry, a stadium is being built in the Amazon.
May 13, 2014 / Bruno Domingos

Why Has ‘My Struggle’ Been Anointed a Literary Masterpiece? Why Has ‘My Struggle’ Been Anointed a Literary Masterpiece?
With its lack of art and absence of thought, the blockbuster Norwegian novel disappoints.
May 13, 2014 / Books & the Arts / William Deresiewicz

Nobody Else Sounds Like Lydia Davis Nobody Else Sounds Like Lydia Davis
Because nobody else thinks like her.
May 13, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Alexandra Schwartz

What Was Democracy? What Was Democracy?
Democracy was once a comforting fiction. Has it become an uninhabitable one?
May 13, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Thomas Meaney and Yascha Mounk
Mugwump Mugwump
O beggar, bigwig, mugwump —W.H. Auden If you got to look it up, don’t use it. A pity since we’ve all known one, guy checking time cards, signing requisitions, woman working her way center stage of my worries. Every decision she weighs, I’m on the balance, the bigwig. Turns out, as from the mess of history because the Algonquians had no clue about Imperator and Centurion and seeing no way to excise dominion and ranks from the account, giving Caesar what’s Caesar’s so to speak, and Antiochus the Seleucid’s also, John Eliot, to let his catechumens into the kindling of the lord, his Praying Indians in Natick, Ponkapoag, Lowell, rendered the smug of sovereign, war-lord, arrayer in a single Wampanoag word, come down as Mugwump, dated but still chiefly American in its broad-brush picture of the nothings who oversaw our stints at register or sink, or the guy tightening the dirndl strap on barmaid or mid-level manager and CEO too. They’re fine, I figure, with our menial seasons, the bosses seeing us cross over—shrugs of resignation—v from knuckle down to knuckle under and since acquaintance with the eternal requires no minutiae, lives by mass or matins, Mugwump serves their kind right.
May 13, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Sebastian Agudelo

How Tolerant Should We Be of Intolerance? How Tolerant Should We Be of Intolerance?
It’s one of the most ticklish questions of liberal philosophy.
May 13, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Cathy Gere

The Two Faces of Climate Change on the ‘Washington Post’ Op-Ed Page The Two Faces of Climate Change on the ‘Washington Post’ Op-Ed Page
Eric with the latest reviews and Reed on the media and climate change.
May 13, 2014 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson
Therianthrope Therianthrope
As with the exuviae burring to the bark minotaur had to have a live animal as source and hunger, the moil that attends a kill and props beast near night start, lets it squat in dream to mix and match till monster mitigates unease. Enter King, husband, father ready to co-opt, adopt, foster. He’ll dream a decoy, strap it to the wife, awe with labyrinth and cash-in on mooncalf, exacter, changeling, the horror, the first puppet of the state.
May 13, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Sebastian Agudelo