
The Perks of NSA Surveillance

The Perks of NSA Surveillance The Perks of NSA Surveillance

Once you accept that everything you say or do is being recorded, you can start recognizing the advantages of omnipresent surveillance. 

Mar 25, 2014 / Tom Tomorrow

The Lawsuit That Could End the ‘Indentured Servitude’ of the NCAA

The Lawsuit That Could End the ‘Indentured Servitude’ of the NCAA The Lawsuit That Could End the ‘Indentured Servitude’ of the NCAA

Appearing on MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry, Nation sports editor Dave Zirin made the case for paying the student athletes who generate billions for the NCAA.

Mar 24, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Albuquerque Police Fatally Shoot Homeless Man Who Was Illegally Camping

Albuquerque Police Fatally Shoot Homeless Man Who Was Illegally Camping Albuquerque Police Fatally Shoot Homeless Man Who Was Illegally Camping

The death of James Boyd adds to a long list of questionable use-of-force incidents involving APD officers.

Mar 24, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

Why Is a Florida Man Facing Life in Prison For Lending a Friend His Car and Going to Sleep?

Why Is a Florida Man Facing Life in Prison For Lending a Friend His Car and Going to Sleep? Why Is a Florida Man Facing Life in Prison For Lending a Friend His Car and Going to Sleep?

Ryan Holle, who has no prior record, is currently serving his eleventh year of a life sentence. 

Mar 24, 2014 / Charles Grodin

The Court That Broke the Mob Celebrates a Birthday

The Court That Broke the Mob Celebrates a Birthday The Court That Broke the Mob Celebrates a Birthday

The cases that passed through Manhattan’s US Southern District court tell the history of post-World War II America.

Mar 24, 2014 / James D. Zirin

When the Government Outsources to Private Companies, Inequality Gets Worse

When the Government Outsources to Private Companies, Inequality Gets Worse When the Government Outsources to Private Companies, Inequality Gets Worse

A new study exposes the hidden consequences of government contracting for workers and communities

Mar 24, 2014 / Michelle Chen

How the Proposed US-EU Trade Agreement Screws Workers and Undermines Democracy

How the Proposed US-EU Trade Agreement Screws Workers and Undermines Democracy How the Proposed US-EU Trade Agreement Screws Workers and Undermines Democracy

The real goal of the TTIP is to weaken the power of citizens to defend themselves against corporate abuses.

Mar 24, 2014 / Andrew Erwin and Foreign Policy In Focus

Spy Agencies, Not Politicians, Hold the Cards in Washington

Spy Agencies, Not Politicians, Hold the Cards in Washington Spy Agencies, Not Politicians, Hold the Cards in Washington

The CIA and NSA routinely ignore the Constitution, yet want the Justice Department to protect them from an over-reaching Congress.

Mar 24, 2014 / Books & the Arts / William Greider

What the Media Gets Wrong About San Francisco’s Gentrification Battles

What the Media Gets Wrong About San Francisco’s Gentrification Battles What the Media Gets Wrong About San Francisco’s Gentrification Battles

San Francisco is in the midst of a war, but it’s not about culture.

Mar 24, 2014 / Julia Carrie Wong

The Fatal Flaw in Putin’s America Policy

The Fatal Flaw in Putin’s America Policy The Fatal Flaw in Putin’s America Policy

Unlike, George W. Bush, President Obama has avoided unilateralism and sought to accommodate Russia.

Mar 24, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss
