
Thirty-Two Arrested at a LaGuardia Rally for Higher Wages

Thirty-Two Arrested at a LaGuardia Rally for Higher Wages Thirty-Two Arrested at a LaGuardia Rally for Higher Wages

Thrity-two people were arrested at an SEIU-organized rally for liveable wages and a paid Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.

Jan 21, 2014 / Allison Kilkenny

Fighting Poverty Through Paid Sick Leave, de Blasio Opts for Impact Over Innovation

Fighting Poverty Through Paid Sick Leave, de Blasio Opts for Impact Over Innovation Fighting Poverty Through Paid Sick Leave, de Blasio Opts for Impact Over Innovation

The mayor’s move will extend paid sick days to hundreds of thousands of workers—an old fashioned form of economic justice in an era when “innovation” is the...

Jan 21, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy

The US Keeps Iran Out of Syria Talks

The US Keeps Iran Out of Syria Talks The US Keeps Iran Out of Syria Talks

But excluding Tehran will only make the peace conference that much harder.

Jan 21, 2014 / Bob Dreyfuss

MLK: ‘Our Struggle is for Genuine Equality, Which Means Economic Equality’

MLK: ‘Our Struggle is for Genuine Equality, Which Means Economic Equality’ MLK: ‘Our Struggle is for Genuine Equality, Which Means Economic Equality’

Honor Dr. King by fighting for a minimum wage hike big enough to lift families out of poverty.

Jan 20, 2014 / John Nichols

Richard Sherman, Racial Coding and Bombastic Brainiacs

Richard Sherman, Racial Coding and Bombastic Brainiacs Richard Sherman, Racial Coding and Bombastic Brainiacs

Richard Sherman, cornerback of the Seattle Seahawks, plays a mental game that does not sit well with the guardians of sports.

Jan 20, 2014 / Dave Zirin

As Lethal Injection Drugs Dry Up, Virginia Reconsiders the Electric Chair

As Lethal Injection Drugs Dry Up, Virginia Reconsiders the Electric Chair As Lethal Injection Drugs Dry Up, Virginia Reconsiders the Electric Chair

State delegates say the bill reaffirms a commitment to the death penalty.

Jan 20, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: What We Wrote About Olympic Boycotts in 1936 and 1980

This Week in ‘Nation’ History: What We Wrote About Olympic Boycotts in 1936 and 1980 This Week in ‘Nation’ History: What We Wrote About Olympic Boycotts in 1936 and 1980

We’ve supported boycotts before, but this time engagement is the way to go.

Jan 18, 2014 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Don’t Let Congress Sabotage Diplomacy With Iran

Don’t Let Congress Sabotage Diplomacy With Iran Don’t Let Congress Sabotage Diplomacy With Iran

The Obama administration is in the midst of negotiating a peaceful solution to Iran's nuclear program but a bill introduced by Senator Robert Menendez could destroy this histor...

Jan 17, 2014 / NationAction

What Obama Didn’t Say in His Speech on NSA Spying

What Obama Didn’t Say in His Speech on NSA Spying What Obama Didn’t Say in His Speech on NSA Spying

Obama did do something of potentially great significance today: open the door for Congress to make the big changes that he won’t. 

Jan 17, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading This Week?

What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading This Week? What Are ‘Nation’ Interns Reading This Week?

This week: Mexican vigilantes, winning the war on poverty and the problem with “do what you love.”

Jan 17, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation
