
The Coming ‘Instant Planetary Emergency’

The Coming ‘Instant Planetary Emergency’ The Coming ‘Instant Planetary Emergency’

How will climate change affect the future of the planet? Scientists predict it will be nothing short of a nightmare.

Dec 17, 2013 / Dahr Jamail

Just Because Congress Cut a Budget Deal Doesn’t Mean It’s a Good One

Just Because Congress Cut a Budget Deal Doesn’t Mean It’s a Good One Just Because Congress Cut a Budget Deal Doesn’t Mean It’s a Good One

Is the Ryan-Murray budget deal getting more applause than it deserves?

Dec 17, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tea Party Tim and Plutocrat Pete

Tea Party Tim and Plutocrat Pete Tea Party Tim and Plutocrat Pete

An unlikely alliance takes on the Affordable Care Act. 

Dec 17, 2013 / Tom Tomorrow

The Internet Giants Oppose Surveillance—but Only When the Government Does it

The Internet Giants Oppose Surveillance—but Only When the Government Does it The Internet Giants Oppose Surveillance—but Only When the Government Does it

Even if the NSA's spying programs are scaled back, surveillance infrastructure will continue to exist in the private sector.

Dec 16, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Judge Rules Against NSA Spying; Congress Should Do the Same

Judge Rules Against NSA Spying; Congress Should Do the Same Judge Rules Against NSA Spying; Congress Should Do the Same

Federal jurist raises profound constitutional concerns, saying the agency uses “almost-Orwellian technology.”

Dec 16, 2013 / John Nichols

De Blasio Takes Agenda National—Because He Has To

De Blasio Takes Agenda National—Because He Has To De Blasio Takes Agenda National—Because He Has To

New York City's mayor-elect is looking to become a national spokesperson on urban issues. That's not ambition. It's necessity.

Dec 16, 2013 / Jarrett Murphy

Jessica Valenti: Beyoncé Is ‘Absolutely’ a Feminist

Jessica Valenti: Beyoncé Is ‘Absolutely’ a Feminist Jessica Valenti: Beyoncé Is ‘Absolutely’ a Feminist

The pop megastar’s surprise album touches on themes of self-authorship and control.

Dec 16, 2013 / Press Room

America’s Child Soldiers

America’s Child Soldiers America’s Child Soldiers

The Pentagon’s JROTC program canvasses public high schools for future soldiers.

Dec 16, 2013 / Ann Jones

Peyton Manning: a Dreadful, Uninspired Choice by ‘Sports Illustrated’ for Sportsperson of the Year

Peyton Manning: a Dreadful, Uninspired Choice by ‘Sports Illustrated’ for Sportsperson of the Year Peyton Manning: a Dreadful, Uninspired Choice by ‘Sports Illustrated’ for Sportsperson of the Year

Choosing Peyton Manning as its Sportsperson of the Year was a resoundingly establishment choice by Sports Illustrated that serves to obscure the rumbling resistance to the status q...

Dec 16, 2013 / Dave Zirin

Hundreds of German Workers at Amazon Walk Off the Job

Hundreds of German Workers at Amazon Walk Off the Job Hundreds of German Workers at Amazon Walk Off the Job

Hundreds of Amazon workers in Germany walk off the job in opposition to stressful working conditions and low pay.

Dec 16, 2013 / Allison Kilkenny
