Hollywood, Hitler and Harvard Hollywood, Hitler and Harvard
A leading critic has called on a leading publisher to withdraw and reissue a new book.
Sep 30, 2013 / Jon Wiener

Stop Congress From Rewarding Israeli Discrimination Stop Congress From Rewarding Israeli Discrimination
It’s considering a bill that would estrange millions of Palestinian-Americans from their families and their illegally occupied homeland.
Sep 30, 2013 / Anna Lekas Miller

Rejoice With Caution: Golden Dawn Under Arrest Rejoice With Caution: Golden Dawn Under Arrest
The Greek government cracks down at last on the neo-Nazi group, which had become more threatening than useful.
Sep 30, 2013 / Maria Margaronis

Justice Department Is Challenging North Carolina’s Extreme Voter Suppression Law Justice Department Is Challenging North Carolina’s Extreme Voter Suppression Law
The new North Carolina voting law has a discriminatory effect and intent, the federal government argues
Sep 30, 2013 / Ari Berman

GOP Temper Tantrum GOP Temper Tantrum
Anti-choice Republicans are using the threat of a government shutdown to—surprise, surprise—renew their attacks on women.
Sep 30, 2013 / Ilyse Hogue

Neo-Cold Warriors Neo-Cold Warriors
The Weekly Standard's assault on my article is a quintessential example of cold-war thinking and debased discourse.
Sep 30, 2013 / Stephen F. Cohen

Gated Minds Gated Minds
WRITING CONTEST FINALIST: Maybe the problem isn’t schisms but our refusal to talk across them.
Sep 30, 2013 / StudentNation / Julian Sagastume and StudentNation

American Politics and the Apathy of the Minority American Politics and the Apathy of the Minority
WRITING CONTEST FINALIST: Our winner-take-all electoral system is at the root of American politics’ biggest problem: voter apathy.
Sep 30, 2013 / StudentNation / Monica Meeks and StudentNation

Spread the Word: The Hyde Amendment Must Be Repealed Spread the Word: The Hyde Amendment Must Be Repealed
Spread the word about the new fight for expanded abortion access and the need to repeal the Hyde Amendment.
Sep 30, 2013 / NationAction

A World in Which No One Is Listening to the Planet’s Sole Superpower A World in Which No One Is Listening to the Planet’s Sole Superpower
The greater Middle East’s greatest rebuff to Uncle Sam.
Sep 30, 2013 / Dilip Hiro