How We Ended Cash Bail in Illinois How We Ended Cash Bail in Illinois
Lessons from a successful struggle.
Nov 15, 2023 / Will Tanzman

The People’s Republic of Portland, Maine The People’s Republic of Portland, Maine
Local organizers have gotten the New England town to pass some of the most progressive legislation in the country. Will it stick?
Nov 15, 2023 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

Republican Senators Are Taking the Class War Way Too Literally Republican Senators Are Taking the Class War Way Too Literally
In a wild Senate hearing, union leaders heralded a new age for labor, while one GOP senator actually tried to pick a physical fight.
Nov 15, 2023 / John Nichols

The Bipartisan Attack on Public Schools The Bipartisan Attack on Public Schools
In New Jersey, liberal and conservative forces poured resources into the charter school movement. This effort helps explain the woes of the public school system in the country.
Nov 15, 2023 / Books & the Arts / Sam Russek

The “Is Donald Trump a Fascist?” Debate Has Been Ended—by Donald Trump The “Is Donald Trump a Fascist?” Debate Has Been Ended—by Donald Trump
The former president’s rhetoric in a recent speech and on social media veered into openly eliminationist threats.
Nov 14, 2023 / Chris Lehmann

One of the Oldest Broken Promises to Indigenous Peoples Is for a Voice in Congress One of the Oldest Broken Promises to Indigenous Peoples Is for a Voice in Congress
A treaty commitment to seat a delegate representing the Cherokee Nation in the House has gone unmet for two centuries.
Nov 14, 2023 / John Nichols

Leaders in Destruction Leaders in Destruction
Civilians caught in the middle.
Nov 14, 2023 / OppArt / Rob Rogers

The Supreme Court’s New Ethics Code Won’t Stop the Corruption The Supreme Court’s New Ethics Code Won’t Stop the Corruption
For all the hype, the high court’s flashy new ethics rules are little more than a PR stunt designed to take the heat off scandal-plagued justices.
Nov 14, 2023 / Elie Mystal

Senator John Fetterman Is a Progressive Icon, a Republican Hate Figure—and a Pro-Israel Pinup Senator John Fetterman Is a Progressive Icon, a Republican Hate Figure—and a Pro-Israel Pinup
The Pennsylvania Democrat has long bucked convention on everything from legalizing marijuana to the Senate dress code. But his views on Israel/Palestine risk alienating his base.
Nov 14, 2023 / Ross Barkan

How Israel Is Borrowing From the US Playbook in Vietnam How Israel Is Borrowing From the US Playbook in Vietnam
Justifying civilian casualties has a long history.
Nov 14, 2023 / Branko Marcetic