
Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (7/12/13) Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (7/12/13)

This week: Tariq Ramadan calls a coup a coup, California prisoners begin a hunger strike for basic human rights, and Dinyar Godrej unpacks the exploitation of debt. 

Jul 11, 2013 / StudentNation

James Comey’s Troubling Answers on Surveillance and Transparency

James Comey’s Troubling Answers on Surveillance and Transparency James Comey’s Troubling Answers on Surveillance and Transparency

The nominee to head the FBI didn’t signal that any changes to transparency over government surveillance are coming. 

Jul 11, 2013 / George Zornick

Peter Ludlow: Why Is Barrett Brown Facing 105 Years in Federal Prison?

Peter Ludlow: Why Is Barrett Brown Facing 105 Years in Federal Prison? Peter Ludlow: Why Is Barrett Brown Facing 105 Years in Federal Prison?

The reporter has already spent 300 days behind bars. His crime? Daring to investigate the highly secretive world of private intelligence and military contractors.

Jul 11, 2013 / Press Room

Secretary Kerry’s Mission Impossible in Israel-Palestine

Secretary Kerry’s Mission Impossible in Israel-Palestine Secretary Kerry’s Mission Impossible in Israel-Palestine

Washington’s assurances that it will defend Israel no matter what it does, however objectionable, kill any hope of a two-state solution to the conflict.

Jul 11, 2013 / Henry Siegman

The Slandering of NY Jet Oday Aboushi

The Slandering of NY Jet Oday Aboushi The Slandering of NY Jet Oday Aboushi

A Palestinian football player is told by Yahoo! Sports to be seen but not heard. 

Jul 11, 2013 / Dave Zirin

Student Loan Bill Fails Again

Student Loan Bill Fails Again Student Loan Bill Fails Again

The student interest rate debacle needs to foster a much broader and deeper exploration of the student lending crisis.

Jul 11, 2013 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Jeremy Scahill: The War Against Whistleblowers

Jeremy Scahill: The War Against Whistleblowers Jeremy Scahill: The War Against Whistleblowers

What a country's treatment of its own citizens says about how it will treat non-citizens.

Jul 11, 2013 / The Nation Video and On The Earth Productions

The Pink Collar Workforce of Academia

The Pink Collar Workforce of Academia The Pink Collar Workforce of Academia

Low-paid adjunct faculty, who are mostly female, have started unionizing for better pay—and winning.

Jul 11, 2013 / Kay Steiger

Creating a Military-Industrial-Immigration Complex

Creating a Military-Industrial-Immigration Complex Creating a Military-Industrial-Immigration Complex

Here's how to turn the US-Mexican border into a war zone.

Jul 11, 2013 / Todd Miller

The War on Coal Obama Isn’t Fighting

The War on Coal Obama Isn’t Fighting The War on Coal Obama Isn’t Fighting

In the Powder River Basin, coal companies are pushing to unlock more carbon pollution each year than the Keystone KL pipeline. 

Jul 11, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter
