How to Make Voting Easier How to Make Voting Easier
On the twentieth anniversary of the National Voter Registration Act, voting rights are under attack
May 20, 2013 / Ari Berman

John Nichols: Chris Christie’s Conservative Agenda John Nichols: Chris Christie’s Conservative Agenda
Chris Christie isn't the moderate Republican he would like the public to think he is, but rather a union-busting bully with the corporate agenda in mind.
May 20, 2013 / Francis Reynolds

The Case for Hope The Case for Hope
It’s a starting point: not the tinder or the blaze but a match, a belief in possibility.
May 20, 2013 / Rebecca Solnit

The Obamas Need to Help Fix the Fashion Industry: Here’s How The Obamas Need to Help Fix the Fashion Industry: Here’s How
Obama and the fashion icon first lady should pick up where the presidential task force on the apparel industry left off fifteen years ago.
May 20, 2013 / Elizabeth Cline

The Chicago Board of Education Votes This Week Whether to Shut Down Fifty-four Schools The Chicago Board of Education Votes This Week Whether to Shut Down Fifty-four Schools
Meanwhile, teachers and activists are on a three-day march to highlight the potentially explosive impact of the closings.
May 20, 2013 / Allison Kilkenny

Hardball: Giants Concession Workers Fight for the Soul of San Francisco Hardball: Giants Concession Workers Fight for the Soul of San Francisco
A strike vote of workers at AT&T Park has national ramifications.
May 19, 2013 / Dave Zirin
Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (5/17/2013) Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (5/17/2013)
This week, everything is falling apart: Syria; the Canadian environment; higher education as we know it. But if a creative roasting of Carlos Slim is any indication, the best respo...
May 18, 2013 / StudentNation / StudentNation
This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Reviewers Have Argued About ‘Gatsby’ Since 1925 This Week in ‘Nation’ History: Reviewers Have Argued About ‘Gatsby’ Since 1925
The debate surrounding Baz Luhrmann’s film adaptation is nothing new.
May 18, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Katrina vanden Heuvel

I Knew J. Billington Bulworth and You, Mr. President, Are No Bulworth I Knew J. Billington Bulworth and You, Mr. President, Are No Bulworth
Obama knows his job much too well to say it out loud, like Warren Beatty’s character did.
May 17, 2013 / Jeremy Pikser

How Long Will Arizona Deny Driver’s Licenses to Immigrant Youth? How Long Will Arizona Deny Driver’s Licenses to Immigrant Youth?
A high court’s preliminary ruling indicates there is not rational basis for Governor Jan Brewer’s attempt to deny driver’s licenses for certain immigrants.
May 17, 2013 / Aura Bogado