
The Cleveland Horror and a Week of Violence Against Women

The Cleveland Horror and a Week of Violence Against Women The Cleveland Horror and a Week of Violence Against Women

The kidnapped women in Cleveland, sexual assault in the military, the NRA’s “Ex-Girlfriend” bleeding target—do we see a pattern?

May 9, 2013 / Leslie Savan

Race, Redemption and Charles Ramsey

Race, Redemption and Charles Ramsey Race, Redemption and Charles Ramsey

With his criminal record dragged into the light, Cleveland “hero” Charles Ramsey is being widely defended as more than his violent past. Can we learn from this?

May 9, 2013 / Liliana Segura

As Semester Winds Down, Divestment Heats Up

As Semester Winds Down, Divestment Heats Up As Semester Winds Down, Divestment Heats Up

At semester’s end, many student leaders involved with campus divestment campaigns will graduate. But the struggle grows stronger.

May 9, 2013 / StudentNation / Kevin Proft and StudentNation

Suicides or Hate Crimes in Immigrant Detention?

Suicides or Hate Crimes in Immigrant Detention? Suicides or Hate Crimes in Immigrant Detention?

Two Guatemalan immigrants apparently commited suicide just two days apart at an Arizona detention center. Some are wondering if their deaths were hate crimes.

May 9, 2013 / Aura Bogado

Mixing It Up Even More Mixing It Up Even More

Anagramming is twisting an arm and gaming

May 9, 2013 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto

Mothers Cry for Justice Mothers Cry for Justice

A call to action from mothers whose children have been killed by the NYPD.

May 9, 2013 / Peter Rothberg

The Most Compelling Testimony From the Congressional Drone Hearing

The Most Compelling Testimony From the Congressional Drone Hearing The Most Compelling Testimony From the Congressional Drone Hearing

Congressional progressives held an important hearing on Capitol Hill this week, urging more transparency from the adminsitration about its drone policy.

May 9, 2013 / George Zornick

Lobbyists Snag Top Staff Positions on Capitol Hill

Lobbyists Snag Top Staff Positions on Capitol Hill Lobbyists Snag Top Staff Positions on Capitol Hill

Lobbyists are winning top jobs in Congress and are poised to provide big legislative favors to their former employers. 

May 9, 2013 / Lee Fang

The Problem in New York Politics Is Big Money, Not Small Parties

The Problem in New York Politics Is Big Money, Not Small Parties The Problem in New York Politics Is Big Money, Not Small Parties

Rather than limiting third parties' influence, Gov. Andrew Cuomo should work with them to take action on campaign finance reform.

May 9, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Cesspool: Why Youth Sports Stink

The Cesspool: Why Youth Sports Stink The Cesspool: Why Youth Sports Stink

Big business and the explosion in college tuition are robbing kids of a positive youth sports experience.

May 9, 2013 / Dave Zirin
