Stephane Hessel: There Is Always an Alternative to Injustice Stephane Hessel: There Is Always an Alternative to Injustice
Remembering the French resistance spy, diplomat, Buchenwald survivor and human rights defender.
Feb 27, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

‘Makers’ Hits the Mark on Feminist History but Misses on the Movement Today ‘Makers’ Hits the Mark on Feminist History but Misses on the Movement Today
The PBS documentary Makers captures the heady joy of the feminism’s Second Wave and founders when trying to reckon with the movement's contemporary incarnation.
Feb 27, 2013 / Katha Pollitt

What Does Millions in Lobbying Money Buy? Five Congresspeople in the Pocket of the Private Prison Industry What Does Millions in Lobbying Money Buy? Five Congresspeople in the Pocket of the Private Prison Industry
Should these congresspeople really be making decisions on immigration reform when they've taken so much money from the corporations who stand to gain from stricter enforcement ...
Feb 27, 2013 / Lee Fang and Francis Reynolds

How Private Prisons Game the Immigration System How Private Prisons Game the Immigration System
With huge profits at stake, CCA and the Geo Group are pushing discreetly for enforcement-heavy immigration reform.
Feb 27, 2013 / Lee Fang

Progress in Iran Talks: Can We Stop the War-Whooping Now? Progress in Iran Talks: Can We Stop the War-Whooping Now?
By softening its rhetoric, the Western side has encouraged the Iranians to come to terms.
Feb 27, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Challenging Georgia’s Ban on Undocumented Students Challenging Georgia’s Ban on Undocumented Students
As the national debate on comprehensive immigration reform heats up, Georgia activists are fighting racist state-level policy.
Feb 27, 2013 / StudentNation / Jeff Biggers and StudentNation

Rahm on the Ropes Rahm on the Ropes
New polling suggests Rahm Emanuel isn't playing in Chicago. Here's why—and why the national media should pay attention.
Feb 27, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

Voters Send a Loud Anti-NRA Message Voters Send a Loud Anti-NRA Message
Robin Kelly's resounding victory in Illinois' special election for US House is a blow to pro-gun hawks nationwide.
Feb 27, 2013 / John Nichols

John Nichols: Sequestration’s Zombie Economics John Nichols: Sequestration’s Zombie Economics
Nation writer John Nichols appears on Democracy Now! to discuss the myths and realities of the impending “sequestration.”
Feb 26, 2013 / Press Room

What’s Next for the Student Divestment Movement? What’s Next for the Student Divestment Movement?
Students are rising up and taking action to make their voices heard on divestment. Everyone, from Shell and Exxon to Boards of Trustees to President Obama, should stop and take not...
Feb 26, 2013 / StudentNation / Caitlin Kidder and StudentNation