Dave Zirin: Where Sports, Politics and the Kardashians Collide Dave Zirin: Where Sports, Politics and the Kardashians Collide
Appearing on Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell, the Nation writer discusses the false gap between sports and politics.
Feb 4, 2013 / Press Room

More Families Suffer Financial Hardship When They Take FMLA Leave More Families Suffer Financial Hardship When They Take FMLA Leave
New data shows families are resorting to ever more drastic measures when faced with unpaid leave.
Feb 4, 2013 / Bryce Covert

Bill Clinton Calls for US Companies to Send Home Billions Banked Offshore Bill Clinton Calls for US Companies to Send Home Billions Banked Offshore
At the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Wall Street Project event, Clinton said taxes earned on up to 1.7 trillion repatriated dollars should be used to build a jobs-creating infrastruct...
Feb 4, 2013 / Alleen Brown

To My Male Relatives on Facebook Who ‘Like’ Sexism To My Male Relatives on Facebook Who ‘Like’ Sexism
Don’t click for misogyny!
Feb 4, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

Why a Permanent Democratic Majority Is Not a Demographic Inevitability (Part One: Antecedents) Why a Permanent Democratic Majority Is Not a Demographic Inevitability (Part One: Antecedents)
Be very, very careful about the proliferating arguments that demographics show that Republicans are on their way out for good.
Feb 4, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

Egyptians Reject State Authority Egyptians Reject State Authority
Port Said is a city in full rebellion against the unreformed security forces of the young nation.
Feb 4, 2013 / Sharif Abdel Kouddous

Ten Things to End Rape Culture Ten Things to End Rape Culture
Rape culture exists because we don't believe it does. Here's how to empower men and women to change the status quo.
Feb 4, 2013 / The Nation

McCain, Scarborough and What ‘Everyone Knows’ McCain, Scarborough and What ‘Everyone Knows’
Republicans lose it when challenged on their make-believe consensus.
Feb 4, 2013 / Leslie Savan
Brooklyn College President Defends BDS Forum Brooklyn College President Defends BDS Forum
"it is incumbent upon us to uphold the tenets of academic freedom and allow our students and faculty to engage in dialogue and debate on topics they may choose, even those with whi...
Feb 4, 2013 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Good Riddance to Warmonger Hillary Clinton Good Riddance to Warmonger Hillary Clinton
As secretary of state, Clinton backed the Petraeus-CIA plan to go to war in Syria.
Feb 4, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss