Without Public Arts Funding, We Wouldn’t Have ‘Les Misérables’ Without Public Arts Funding, We Wouldn’t Have ‘Les Misérables’
Blockbusters don't usually have strong ties to public funding. Les Mis is an exception.
Jan 7, 2013 / Michelle Dean

Idle No More’s Hunger for Justice Idle No More’s Hunger for Justice
Idle No More has sparked international solidarity. What can that mean for Native rights in the US?
Jan 7, 2013 / Aura Bogado
This Week: Fixing the Economy. Plus: VAWA and the GOP. This Week: Fixing the Economy. Plus: VAWA and the GOP.
The Nation’s coverage of Washington's debt deal, Congress and gun legislation, and remembering those we lost in 2012.
Jan 5, 2013 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Constitution? What Constitution? Paul Ryan Refuses to Provide for the General Welfare Constitution? What Constitution? Paul Ryan Refuses to Provide for the General Welfare
With their votes against Sandy aid, the House Budget Committee chair and his compatriots reject a basic premise of their oath to support the Constitution.
Jan 5, 2013 / John Nichols
Break the Chain Break the Chain
Produced by playwright, author and activist Eve Ensler, written and produced by Tena Clark and featuring dancer and choreographer Debbie Allen, “Break the Chain” aims to raise global awareness about V-Day’s fast growing global campaign, One Billion Rising. Recent horrifying statistics show that one in three women globally will be raped, beaten or severely violated in their lifetime. That’s 1 billion women. And that’s how this new campaign got its name, its impetus and its focus. On February 14, 2013, V-Day’s fifteenth anniversary, activists, writers, thinkers, celebrities and women and men across the world will come together to express their outrage, strike, dance and rise in defiance of the injustices females suffer daily, demanding an enduring end to violence against women. There are already thousands of events scheduled in more than 160 countries. Sign up today, find a gathering near you, invite your friends to join the campaign and check out OneBillionRising.org for videos, news updates, information on joining and supporting the campaign, and much more.
Jan 4, 2013 / Peter Rothberg

Comments of the Week: The “Fiscal Cliff” and a Shout Out from Kerry Washington Comments of the Week: The “Fiscal Cliff” and a Shout Out from Kerry Washington
Our readers sound off on the "fiscal cliff," rape culture in the United States and soccer player Kevin-Prince Boateng's stand against racism.
Jan 4, 2013 / Sarah Arnold

Katrina vanden Heuvel: End the NRA’s Stranglehold on Gun Legislation Katrina vanden Heuvel: End the NRA’s Stranglehold on Gun Legislation
Enough is enough: we must wrest control of public safety policy from gun manufacturers.
Jan 4, 2013 / Press Room
John Nichols: How the 113th Congress Can Bring Progress Back to Capitol Hill John Nichols: How the 113th Congress Can Bring Progress Back to Capitol Hill
The 113th Congress is the most diverse in history, but that doesn't necessarily translate to progress.
Jan 4, 2013 / Press Room

America’s Rape Problem: We Refuse to Admit That There Is One America’s Rape Problem: We Refuse to Admit That There Is One
It's time to acknowledge that the rape epidemic in the US is not just about the crimes themselves, but our own cultural and political willful ignorance.
Jan 4, 2013 / Jessica Valenti
Comforting the Comfortable, Afflicting the Afflicted Comforting the Comfortable, Afflicting the Afflicted
A small-bore, context-free, artificially balanced press corps only serves the interests of the powerful.
Jan 4, 2013 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson