
Don’t Be Fooled: Walmart Hasn’t Changed Anything

Don’t Be Fooled: Walmart Hasn’t Changed Anything Don’t Be Fooled: Walmart Hasn’t Changed Anything

Walmart hasn’t stopped the sale of a single gun in the wake of Sandy Hook, even though many other stores have. 

Dec 18, 2012 / George Zornick

The Unbearable Elasticity of Gun Logic

The Unbearable Elasticity of Gun Logic The Unbearable Elasticity of Gun Logic

For the gun lobby, Newtown was evidence that more guns are necessary.

Dec 18, 2012 / Todd Gitlin

Hagel, the Jews and the Neocons

Hagel, the Jews and the Neocons Hagel, the Jews and the Neocons

The Wall Street Journal slams the former Nebraskan senator as anti-Semitic. Why? He criticizes Israel too much.

Dec 18, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss

Proposed Social Security Bargain Makes No Sense for the Elderly

Proposed Social Security Bargain Makes No Sense for the Elderly Proposed Social Security Bargain Makes No Sense for the Elderly

The median income of people over age 65 is less than $20,000. The solution is not to cut that further.

Dec 18, 2012 / Dean Baker

Questions for John Kerry, President Obama’s New Pick for Secretary of State

Questions for John Kerry, President Obama’s New Pick for Secretary of State Questions for John Kerry, President Obama’s New Pick for Secretary of State

The nomination of a secretary of state gives the Senate the opportunity to probe the administration’s foreign policy priorities.

Dec 18, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Elizabeth Royte: It’s Time to Talk about Food and Fracking

Elizabeth Royte: It’s Time to Talk about Food and Fracking Elizabeth Royte: It’s Time to Talk about Food and Fracking

Ranchers and farmers working the land near fracking sites are seeing their livestock suffer, and their own health deteriorate.

Dec 18, 2012 / WNYC

Sandy Hook Must Push Us Toward the Collective and Away from Individualism

Sandy Hook Must Push Us Toward the Collective and Away from Individualism Sandy Hook Must Push Us Toward the Collective and Away from Individualism

The urge to pull children from schools and arm oneself may be understandable, but we need to come together for solutions.

Dec 18, 2012 / Bryce Covert

In Fiscal Cliff Deal, Don’t Chain Grandma to Smaller Social Security Checks

In Fiscal Cliff Deal, Don’t Chain Grandma to Smaller Social Security Checks In Fiscal Cliff Deal, Don’t Chain Grandma to Smaller Social Security Checks

The chained CPI proposal in Obama's fiscal cliff offer will hurt impoverished elderly women.

Dec 18, 2012 / Bryce Covert

Dan Inouye’s Epic Civil Rights Championship

Dan Inouye’s Epic Civil Rights Championship Dan Inouye’s Epic Civil Rights Championship

No senator fought longer and harder for the rights of people of color, people with disabilities, women and the LGBT community. 

Dec 18, 2012 / John Nichols

Activists Stage ‘Block the Boat’ Protest Against Ship Bearing Walmart Goods From Bangladesh

Activists Stage ‘Block the Boat’ Protest Against Ship Bearing Walmart Goods From Bangladesh Activists Stage ‘Block the Boat’ Protest Against Ship Bearing Walmart Goods From Bangladesh

New Jersey protesters are holding Walmart accountable for a factory fire that killed 112 Bangladeshi workers. 

Dec 18, 2012 / Josh Eidelson
