
Low-Income Americans Are Facing the Real Cliff

Low-Income Americans Are Facing the Real Cliff Low-Income Americans Are Facing the Real Cliff

If Congress can't reach a deal by New Year's, 2.1 million people will be kicked off unemployment benefits.

Dec 11, 2012 / Melissa Harris-Perry

Progress for Women Continues Flatlining at the Top Ranks of the Private Sector

Progress for Women Continues Flatlining at the Top Ranks of the Private Sector Progress for Women Continues Flatlining at the Top Ranks of the Private Sector

How will women dominate the economy if we’ve hit a plateau at the top?

Dec 11, 2012 / Bryce Covert

The Bipartisan Adventures of Simpson and Bowles The Bipartisan Adventures of Simpson and Bowles

While the house burns, our heroes deal it out in the name of austerity!

Dec 11, 2012 / Tom Tomorrow

In Drug War, Small Victories Are Not the Revolution. Director Eugene Jarecki [VIDEO] In Drug War, Small Victories Are Not the Revolution. Director Eugene Jarecki [VIDEO]

November's victories at the ballot box show the drug war is vulnerable. 

Dec 11, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Laura Flanders

John Boehner Has No Mandate

John Boehner Has No Mandate John Boehner Has No Mandate

Boehner acts as if he has a mandate equal to that Obama and Senate Democrats. But Americans gave Democrats a 1.1 million vote majority in the overall House vote.  

Dec 10, 2012 / John Nichols

Gift Guide 2012 Gift Guide 2012

If you’re just starting to scramble for presents, ideally those of the non-corporate variety, read on for ideas.

Dec 10, 2012 / Peter Rothberg

The Fact-Checker Follies, Continued The Fact-Checker Follies, Continued

Poltifact misses it big by discluding Mitt Romney's "47 percent" comments from its "Lies of the Year" list.

Dec 10, 2012 / Eric Alterman

The GOP’s New Voter Suppression Strategy: Gerrymander the Electoral College The GOP’s New Voter Suppression Strategy: Gerrymander the Electoral College

Republicans are supporting a change to the Electoral College that would’ve put Mitt Romney in the White House.

Dec 10, 2012 / Ari Berman

Tapping E-mail List, Obama Hammers GOP on Taxes and Discharge Tapping E-mail List, Obama Hammers GOP on Taxes and Discharge

The election is over, but President Obama is already tapping his campaign e-mail list to press Republcans into a tax retreat.

Dec 10, 2012 / Ari Melber

Dear Conservatives: Your Opposition to Family Planning Comes with a Huge Price Tag

Dear Conservatives: Your Opposition to Family Planning Comes with a Huge Price Tag Dear Conservatives: Your Opposition to Family Planning Comes with a Huge Price Tag

You can save the babies or you can save the budget, but you can’t do both.

Dec 10, 2012 / Bryce Covert
