
Hurricane Sandy as Greek Tragedy

Hurricane Sandy as Greek Tragedy Hurricane Sandy as Greek Tragedy

We can choose to ignore scientific warnings about climate change—or we can choose to act.

Oct 31, 2012 / Mark Hertsgaard

The Journeys of Fred Halliday The Journeys of Fred Halliday

On socialism or the Middle East, Fred Halliday’s intellectual flexibility was one of his greatest strengths.

Oct 30, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Susie Linfield

Singularly Adaptable: On Alain Mabanckou

Singularly Adaptable: On Alain Mabanckou Singularly Adaptable: On Alain Mabanckou

In Black Bazaar, characters vent and stumble over their shared obsession with the colonial past.

Oct 30, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Aaron Thier

Three Republican Candidates Discourse on the Subject of Rape Three Republican Candidates Discourse on the Subject of Rape

(And a fourth remains exceedingly quiet)   Legitimate rape, so we’re told by Todd Akin, Will not produce children but simply awaken Defensive biology. That quickly locks The system all down, just as safe as Fort Knox.   Joe Walsh says exceptions for “life of the mother” Are phony exceptions, just like all the other Exceptions suggested. Walsh says it’s all jive, Since doctors can always keep momma alive.   Now Mourdock says rapists’ seed must be defended. A pity, he says, but it’s what God intended. This absolute stance to which Mourdock still cleaves Just happens to be what Paul Ryan believes.   The Rape Science Three can provide more reminders That now Mitt’s got wingnuts in all of those binders.

Oct 30, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Cuban Missile Crisis: Thirteen Days… and Fifty Years The Cuban Missile Crisis: Thirteen Days… and Fifty Years

Even now, our understanding of that fraught moment is built on falsehoods and myths.

Oct 30, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

Letters Letters

Obama 2012; unions are people; this is your brain on Darwin…

Oct 30, 2012 / Our Readers

Where Elections End and Politics Begins

Where Elections End and Politics Begins Where Elections End and Politics Begins

The disaffection across the country goes way beyond an “enthusiasm gap.”

Oct 30, 2012 / Column / Gary Younge

Sandy Shows Republicans Incapable of Change Sandy Shows Republicans Incapable of Change

From climate change to emergency response, Sandy should have made Republicans rethink their positions. But it didn’t. 

Oct 30, 2012 / Ben Adler

John Nichols: Obama’s ‘Calm, Cool’ Demeanor Plays Well for Sandy Response John Nichols: Obama’s ‘Calm, Cool’ Demeanor Plays Well for Sandy Response

To have a massive, natural catastrophe so close to a presidential election is an unprecedented phenomenon in US history.

Oct 30, 2012 / Press Room

How to Help the Victims of Hurricane Sandy How to Help the Victims of Hurricane Sandy

If you’d like to help, what’s needed most is money, blood and volunteer labor.

Oct 30, 2012 / Peter Rothberg
