Republicans Boast About Voter Suppression in Tampa, but the Ground Is Shifting Republicans Boast About Voter Suppression in Tampa, but the Ground Is Shifting
Politicians inside the convention are proud of their voter supression tactics, but judges and the public increasingly disagree.
Aug 29, 2012 / George Zornick
Secret Election Money Unleashed Secret Election Money Unleashed
Since Citizens United, corporations and foreign entities can spend unlimited undisclosed funds on elections. Here's what it looks like.
Aug 29, 2012 / The Nation
Never Mind Super PACs: How Big Business Is Buying the Election Never Mind Super PACs: How Big Business Is Buying the Election
Thanks to Citizens United, US and foreign corporations can secretly spend millions on political campaigns under the cover of trade associations.
Ben Adler: Mike Huckabee’s Primetime Moment Ben Adler: Mike Huckabee’s Primetime Moment
Will Huckabee be able to rally the religious right behind Mitt Romney?
Aug 29, 2012 / Francis Reynolds
The US Chamber of Commerce’s Multimillion-Dollar Attack Plan The US Chamber of Commerce’s Multimillion-Dollar Attack Plan
The nation’s top business lobby has built up a huge war chest for conservatives. But has it crossed the legal line?
Aug 29, 2012 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky
Ai Weiwei and the Art of Protest Ai Weiwei and the Art of Protest
The courageous Chinese dissident has always had an eye for the point where art and politics meet in performance.
Aug 29, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Danielle Allen
Open the Presidential Debates! Open the Presidential Debates!
For a quarter-century, they have been tightly controlled by the major political parties to protect the status quo. It’s time for a change.
Aug 29, 2012 / John Nichols
Noted Noted
Katrina vanden Heuvel on subsidized CEOs, Marisa Carroll on Obamacare and transgender people, Brett Warnke on the US and South Korea
Aug 29, 2012 / Various Contributors
Dispatches From Tampa Dispatches From Tampa
At the RNC, Nation reporters find a hard-right party that’s cozy with lobbyists and interested in dealing with major storms only when they threaten their convention.
Aug 29, 2012 / John Nichols and George Zornick
For Julian Assange, Justice Foreclosed For Julian Assange, Justice Foreclosed
The imperatives of the national security state override the possibility that Assange could face a fair investigation in his sex crimes charges.
Aug 29, 2012 / JoAnn Wypijewski