Richard Milhous Ryan: No Specifics, Just a ‘Secret Plan’ Richard Milhous Ryan: No Specifics, Just a ‘Secret Plan’
Confronted on central premise of GOP campaign—cutting taxes and balancing budgets—Ryan asks voters to “fill in the details” after the election. That’s...
Oct 12, 2012 / John Nichols
Georges Perec on Crosswords Georges Perec on Crosswords
…the art and technique of crossing words…
Oct 12, 2012 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto
For the Veep Debate Drinking Game: ‘Wonk’ For the Veep Debate Drinking Game: ‘Wonk’
Displaying charts are to Ryan the Wonk as clearing brush was to Bush the Cowboy.
Oct 11, 2012 / Leslie Savan
Scott Brown’s Hypocrisy on Wall Street Reform Scott Brown’s Hypocrisy on Wall Street Reform
The incumbent senator tried to take credit for being the decisive vote on Dodd-Frank—which he helped weaken in exchange for Wall Street donations.
Oct 11, 2012 / George Zornick

Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein: Downsize the Military Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein: Downsize the Military
The Green Party presidential candidate wants to cut the military budget, bring the troops home and spend the extra funds at home.
Oct 11, 2012 / The Nation Video
America’s Warfare Welfare State America’s Warfare Welfare State
The broader costs—and the corruption of our fundamental values and identity as a nation—are usually ignored.
Oct 11, 2012 / Marcus G. Raskin and Gregory D. Squires
Romney, If You’re Serious About Deficit Reduction, Leave Big Bird Alone Romney, If You’re Serious About Deficit Reduction, Leave Big Bird Alone
Taking away one of America’s most economically efficient and widely used educational and cultural resources is a bad deal for the American people.
Oct 11, 2012 / William F. Baker and Evan Leatherwood
John Nichols: Paul Ryan Is No Champion of American Auto Workers John Nichols: Paul Ryan Is No Champion of American Auto Workers
Paul Ryan claims he’s dedicated to reviving the American auto industry. But his voting record says otherwise.
Oct 11, 2012 / Press Room
Six Critical Foreign Policy Questions That Won’t Be Raised in the Presidential Debates Six Critical Foreign Policy Questions That Won’t Be Raised in the Presidential Debates
Don’t expect either Obama or Romney to ask any of these questions.
Oct 11, 2012 / Peter Van Buren
Will Paul Ryan Raise a Bloody Al Qaeda Flag? Will Paul Ryan Raise a Bloody Al Qaeda Flag?
Al Qaeda is nearly gone, and the war in Afghanistan is nearly over.
Oct 11, 2012 / Bob Dreyfuss