
Ari Berman: Why Republicans Are Challenging the Voting Rights Act Ari Berman: Why Republicans Are Challenging the Voting Rights Act

If the GOP is pursuing voter ID laws for the sake of civil rights, then why is it doing so in a way that disenfranchises minority voters?

Jul 9, 2012 / Press Room

Transcript: Live Chat on the Future of Feminist Activism Transcript: Live Chat on the Future of Feminist Activism

On July 5, 2012 hosted a live chat on the future of feminist activism with Jessica Valenti, Anna Holmes and Aimee Thorne-Thomsen. Access the transcript here.

Jul 9, 2012 / The Nation

Occupy and the 99% Opposition Occupy and the 99% Opposition

Despite rumors of its demise, Occupy Wall Street has given rise to a flurry of actions targeting the 99 percent. What is this new phenomenon—and what role will it play in Nov...

Jul 9, 2012 / Jeremy Brecher

Tweet Beat: The Top Ten Best Republican Songs Tweet Beat: The Top Ten Best Republican Songs

Twitter brings you the the best Republican songs you've never heard of. 

Jul 9, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Katie Halper

Obama: No More Tax Breaks for Top Earners Obama: No More Tax Breaks for Top Earners

Democrats are trying to break the anti-tax absolutism of the GOP and claim a mandate on reform after the elections.

Jul 9, 2012 / George Zornick

‘Money In, People Out’: The Twin Pillars of the GOP’s 2012 Plan

‘Money In, People Out’: The Twin Pillars of the GOP’s 2012 Plan ‘Money In, People Out’: The Twin Pillars of the GOP’s 2012 Plan

The Republican strategy imperils our democracy and seeds distrust among a populace that already has little confidence in its elected leaders.

Jul 9, 2012 / Ilyse Hogue

Snow Mitt and the Huntsman: A Tale from the Dark Forest of Republicanism Snow Mitt and the Huntsman: A Tale from the Dark Forest of Republicanism

Jon Huntsman’s decision to skip the GOP convention says a lot about how narrow the party of Lincoln, and even Reagan, has become.

Jul 9, 2012 / John Nichols

Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law Challenged in Federal Court Discriminatory Texas Voter ID Law Challenged in Federal Court

Texas wants a federal court to uphold its voter ID law. The facts are not on the state’s side.

Jul 9, 2012 / Ari Berman

The GOP’s Attack on Voters The GOP’s Attack on Voters

The GOP admits that it believes voter ID laws will win Romney the election. 

Jul 9, 2012 / Melissa Harris-Perry

To Achieve Work-Family Balance, Americans Have to Work Less To Achieve Work-Family Balance, Americans Have to Work Less

We’re completely overworked. No wonder we struggle to balance careers and children.

Jul 9, 2012 / Bryce Covert
